
I accidentally backed-up into a pedestran with my company's car.can i be fired for this?

by  |  earlier

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my company is under-going investigation with regard to the accident.I have been off work for 17 days without pay.I have worked for 2 years driving my company's car without any citation or accident.This is my first time out being involved in an accident.Can i be fired for this?




  1. An accident is an accident your company won't fire you for it but may look into you having a company car in furture. Let the police and insurance companys handle it.

  2. either that or you will be sued by the pedestran

  3. To be honest it can depend on the company and their policies, the severity of the accident and how the accident happened.

    Have a look at your contract of employment – it should give you an idea of what can be expected in the event of an accident. I’d also check any grievance procedures in place as that may give your further information. However the best course of action would be to phone through to your HR department and arrange a meeting. Ask them to sit down with you and explain what you can expect. Ask for time frames – you’ve been off for 17 days will you be off for the month? If you are cleared of any misconduct will you get back pay? Who makes the decision etc. Ask them to walk you through the process from start to finish. This should clear up any confusion and will hopefully stop your worrying.  After this ask them to keep you updated about any progress.

    Good Luck

  4. Sorry If this sounds harsh, but I hold a full U.K licence, including Lgv & I'm deaf,you cant accidentaly run over someone, Pay Attention & take care! "H"

  5. A bit harsh if they sack you, as long as you werent driving dangerously, or under the influence.

    However, lets hope that the pedestran doesnt sue the company, cos they will claw the money back from you.

    I know it sounds simple but have you spoken to your boss and explained what happened and apologised?

    Good Luck

  6. yes you can! you hit a pedestrian! thats dangerous.. very dangerous. how did you exactly hit them? but yeh just try your best to prove your innocence... if you are innocent......

  7. You can be fired for almost anything.  Only your company can answer your question,  No one here knows for sure what can and will happen.

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