
I accidentally deleted all the pictures on my camera and i was wondering if the was a was to get them back???

by  |  earlier

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i just downloaded a "unerase" program to get the pictures back but im having trouble with the last step it says im not picking a file to put the ppicture on but i am is there a spasific program that works better then others??




  1. If you have not used the memory card since then to take more photos ... maybe.

    There are image recovery programs that are sometimes successful.  Lexar has such a program.

    In the future, you can do this:

    * Always copy your images to your computer after you have completed shooting.

    * Delete the image files you don't want using your computer and its larger monitor (deleting using the delete feature on your camera can lead to card corruption)

    * Format your card before using it again using the format feature on your camera

  2. Assuming it is a digital camera.  If the pictures were stored on a flash card, then you can use a program such as norton utilities or some freeware application of your choice to "unerase" the pictures.  You will need to supply the first character of the filename to perform this function as the first character is permanently deleted.

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