
I accidentally told my sister about her surprise wedding shower. Is there any way to fix this?

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My sister is getting married in November and I'm her maid of honor. There was some miscommunication between me and my mom and I didn't realize my sister's shower is suppose to be a surprise shower. The shower is hosted by my mom and 2 aunts. They have hosted wedding showers for many of my cousins and none of them have even been a surprise shower. My sister specifically told my mom that she would love a surprise shower, which is why they're trying to pull it off. I mentioned something to my sister about the date of her shower. She got really quiet and said, "I'm not suppose to know about that." Now, I feel terrible and I don't know what to do. I asked my mom if the date can be switched, but she said no because the date set is when the most people can make it. My mom told me to just let it go. But, is there anything I can do to fix this situation or make it better?




  1. Your sister will fix this. She has a short memory and terrible hearing. Or, at least, you will have to trust her to have a short memory of this particular gaffe, because you can do nothing that doesn't remind her and make it worse.

    Remember this technique, should you ever find out about something you shouldn't know about. Forgetfulness is a very convenient skill.

  2. What's done is done.   It was an honest mistake.  Just let it go.    

  3. No, Sorry there really isn't anything you can do but you could try to throw your sister off by taking her out on that day and then later when she really don't think that nothing is going on bring her to her shower and hopefully she will be surprised.

  4. Give her your car, all your jewelry, credit cards and a kabillion dollars. haha! ;O)

    Aww. I've done that too. And you know your sister won't hold it against you. She's your sissy after all. Still, I have an idea how you feel. {hug} Anyway, I did a couple of these things, when I accidently spilt the "milk" about parties.

    If you could pull it off and it's possible, why not surprise your Sis by getting her friend/relative to come that Sis believes might not show up. Then you and her friend yell..."Surprise"!

    Really "jazz" up the party. Choose a theme. Decorate in her favorite color, favorite flower, play her favorite music etc. Doesn't have to be expensive either. Sis knows she's having a party. She doesn't know what kind. ;-)

    You could have another "surprise" party that doesn't have to be expensive. Give"GAG gifts". ;O) You could also play games, toast the bride to be with funny remarks, serve her favorite food or give her coupons that she redeems to help her clean house, cook a meal, invite her out, etc. Take pictures being "goofy".

    Give her a surprise "bachelorette party". Make it fun.

    Surprise your sister by getting a piece of her favorite piece of jewelry, or close to it, (if you can) and have it engraved with the date of her wedding...or her name and her hubby to be's name. I did that for my Aunt.

    Anyway, have a blast whatever you do or attend!

    love ya,


  5. Let it go and sit back and have a good laugh that your sister ASKED for a surprise shower.

    How pointless is asking to be surprised? Could it really have been a big surprise?  ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœOh, a shower for ME? I never expected this.” Uh, yeah, you pretty much did…

  6. Unfortunately no. The word is already out.  

  7. haha you should tell her, sike yyo, im juss kidding.

  8. If you are crafty, you could spill the beans again, with the wrong information. Leave a note lying about, leave your day planner open, with the wrong date, maybe a week or two after the real date. Dont just tell her, make it look like you were trying to hide but didnt cover your tracks.

    And if she gets upset and told you what she "found", just act like you made a mistake and say "just pretend to be surprised for mom, ok?" She will surprised when the shower happens much earlier than she expected!

  9. Not really. All you can do is apologize. Tell your sis you are sorry, that the fact that it was meant to be a surprise somehow went right over your head. She''ll understand.

  10. It wasn't much of a surprise-shower anyway IMHO, only the exact date was secret... It wasn't as if she didn't know she was going to get one.

  11. no

  12. I knew the date of my shower but nothing else about it. The guests, favors, food, invites, gifts were all a surprise so don't worry, she'll get some surprises that day. It happens, don't beat yourself over the head about it. At least she can go get a nice outfit for it since she knows when it is (that's what I did) :-)

  13. Not really, just forget about it

  14. Your mom is right. Unless you discover some method of time travel, there's not much you can do on this one. What you could do is try to make part of the shower a surprise (i.e. have one of her friends from out of town that she wasn't expecting)  

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