
I accidently knocked my wife's toothbrush in the toilet about a week ago, should I mention it now? ?

by  |  earlier

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I did run it under hot water for a few seconds prior to hanging it back up, plus the toilet had just been cleaned




  1. No and I'm sure she's done some nasty things to your toothbrush already if this is the kind of relationship you have.

  2. Nah, just rinse it with some bleach and she'll never know.

  3. First buy her a new toothbrush. Then tell her the truth. If you wait anylonger she may find out. Telling the truth is the right thing to do in a situation like yours.

  4. Ummm never ever tell her lol Wonder if she ever done anything with your stuff and hide it lol Who knows lol Except her! You should have told her as soon as it happened but dont tell her now

  5. No. I will rather remain oblivious.  

  6. nasty no.....

  7. no

  8. There's no point its been a week she obviously used it before now.  You could just be nice buy a couple of new ones.

  9. Oh man, they are so cheap you had to buy a new one to replace right away. Now is to late, don't tell her anything. But go buy a new one for both of you guys and simply replace them, tell her you simply wanted a new one already.  

  10. Are you that cheap you couldn't run out and buy her a new one? God, Valentine's Day for you two must be SUPER romantic.

  11. i'd buy her a new one thats exactly the same or something, thats really unsanitary...

  12. i think that you should go get you both new tooth brushes so it doesn't look weird that you are just replacing hers and don't tell her i know that if my hubby did that to me and din tell me right away i would be furious ....  

  13. No way.  You rinsed it.  

    The odds she's sick are low.  

    The odds you're going to look stupid for knocking it in are medium.  The odds you're going to look stupid for waiting a week to tell her are high.

  14. hahaha thats a good one.    No, save it for when the time is right

  15. Get her a new one, and then tell her you accidently knocked the old one into the toilet. Not a lie, just not all the truth.

    Our politicians do it all the time, if it matters.

  16. Give her a new one fool! And tell her.

  17. HA!

    h**l, you shouldn't mention it at all :D

    I did that to my mom and she screamed at me.. haha.

  18. Now you'd be admitting to two major mistakes!  Personally, I'd rather not know I'd been using a toilet-bowl scraper to clean my teeth, tongue and gums for the last week.  

    Buy a replacement today, throw the old one out and tell her it fell into the toilet so you replaced it.  She won't ask you WHEN it happened.  

    BTW, ewwwwww.....  Would you do the same thing if it was your toothbrush that fell into the toilet?

  19. No but I hope she did kiss right after that

  20. If you dont kiss her then dont mention it.

  21. plz tell me you didn't put it back! tell me you throw it away and bought a new one! if you did bought a new one you don't have to mention it!

  22. lolz wow, well if you want to you can mention it in a funny way if you want to  

  23. lol just go buy a new one that looks like the on she has now. than you dont have to worry about it. and no i dont think you should tell her  

  24. No don't mention it to her....and she won't feel guilty about using your toothbrush to clean the dog's butt....

  25. I used my ex wifes toothbrush to clean the toilet one time she never knew. Dont mention it.

  26. Speak now, or forever hold you piece. On second thought, just forever hold your piece and mention that you read that toothbrushes should be replaced often because they harbor bacteria colonies and would she please replace both brushes now.

    (Sinefeld, is that you?)  

  27. LOL But SO NOT funny!!! I don't understand why you didn't tell her after you did it and besides that if you two are married then I don't understand why if you couldn't have gotten her one that you didn't let her use yours after all your married and we all KNOW what married couples do so it can't be any worse cause more than likely what is in her mouth is on you and whats in yours is on her!!!!! Plus your laying beside her and KISSING HER!!! So really I think that you have SCREWED yourself...  

  28. Since she did not ask you if you did it and she doesn't know about it at all your not technically lying if you don't tell her about it. If you do tell her about it she'll just be grosed out. What she doesn't know won't hurt her. If you really want to be guilt free just buy both of you new toothbrushes and don't ever mention it.

  29. lmao!! no dont!  she'll go mad, as a woman i can tell you that! buy soem new toothbrushes and just tell her that the other one wer lking a bit gruby. you'll get brownie points for caring ;)

  30. Lol, nasty. Get her a new one, & a few bottles of mouthwash while your at it.

  31. lol yea u shoulda told her after it happened it was an accident i'm sure she wouldnt have gotten mad she would have probably laughed... now i dunno if she would...but i'd tell her  

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