
I actually look exactly like my avatar?

by  |  earlier

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  1. in some ways ..i lok just like it

  2. lol, so i've been told..


    someone saw my previous avatar an told me i looked exactly like it..

  3. I look alot like mine. I am very short though. lol

  4. If you look like your avatar then you're certainly quite pretty! :-)

    I look exactly like mine as well except for the fact that my hair is a bit longer now. Everything else is basically the same...the colour hair, the glasses, skin tone and even the light-brown eyes.

  5. jed if so den i have to hide dat d**n spaceship yes before dem police wreck it.

    De only ting missing on mine is 2 pointy ears

    Welcome to de lime doh

  6. I look exactly like mine too.

  7. is that right, well you're beautiful. i don't look like this i just like fiddling with the options, so no i'm not your long lost sister, but you're pretty

  8. As a matter of fact yes. Mih face grey from paintin it up, mih hair grey from stress an' ah in ah grey room.

  9. nope, i'm better!!:P

    really? that's kinda cool, well i guess u'r really pretty 2 then. lol.

    all the best!!;)

  10. I am 85% there, only that my avatar wears those d**n glasses far better than I do,

  11. Yep but my hair is a bit curlier, and that face is my "game face" (basketball) lol x

    Its the exact same skin tone as well

  12. Oh really.........well thats good.I am a little chubby so i will not lok like my Avatar

  13. You're always that high?

  14. serious? cool!!!

    but no, i dont look ANYTHING like my avatar lol, well except for the glasses and skin tone.  my hair red these days and even though i chop it off recently, its not that short. lol

  15. lol. My hair is much longer than my avatar's and is brown, not pink. Pink hair is my fantasy, but if I show up in dey people wuk with pink hair I will be looking for employment de next day!

    The skin colour and eyes are pretty much the same as mine though.

  16. I'll leave you guys to judge!

  17. Not by a long shot.  The skin color yes.

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