
I actually shared the Brewster gym with Tyson while he trained for Golata, I have no hatred .......?

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in my heart for Mike. To me Mike Tyson just like any other person, he isn't anything to idolize, nor is he anything to despise, he is just a man who did some things well in life and made mistakes just like the rest of us. My beliefs are that all of us fall short, and heaven isn't a w***e house. What ever it is, you don't get there by dying in the act of committing henious crimes. I treat people they way they treat me, and got no real animosity towards, Mike. It's the morons who try to grant him saint hood that p**s me off. Mike was no different that any of the rest of us, he just hit harder and had Cus and the rest to back him early on. Do you think Tyson is any differant than any one of a thousand others with the same story?




  1. This answer is going to go in a thousand directions, but fair thru it.

    I am probably one of the few people on this board that has actually MET Mike Tyson. I spoke to him at length when he was doing a tour of a youth center here in Washington DC, not the champion killer Mike Tyson, but the post jail term, post converted to Islam (yes he did convert...albeit a token one...please learn your facts before you blast someone...whoever it was that typed that)...believe it or not...hes not a bad guy to talk to.

    Hes very quiet...he seems very conscious of everything he does or says. He is also very polite (I heard him say Ma'am quite a few times in the few minutes I got to talk to him). And there wasnt a kid in that center that he wouldnt take ten minutes to talk to.

    That said, Tyson reminds me of a child...but with that child like innocence...he is also capable, in my opinion..of tantrums. The difference is a 40 lb child, you can control.

    That are finally going to hear Blog and I have a fundamental difference...but we are going to do this respectfully.

    Blog, and this is not to speak about you as a Christian specifically, but I dont think Christianity has any room to take the high ground on which religion is more moral or has a better perspective of right or wrong, or of divinity, and let me say why.

    Historically speaking, more people have been killed, maligned, hung, enslaved, tortured, in Christ's name than anyone other religion. You have to imagine the commitment to violence this takes...considering that Christianity, is a fairly young fully developed religion next to Islam.

    Now, as my father used to say, before you point out how bad the neighborhood is, start by cleaning out your own backyard first. Before you point to radicals like The Klan (please remember their symbol), or the Crusades, or anyone else who said "Christ or die" ...start with yourself.

    You basically say you have nothing against Muslim people, but they are wrong and are going to h**l in not believing in Christ. I dont exactly view that as tolerance Blog, and there is no way the latter opinion doesnt taint the previous statement. Christianity does not teach tolerance, it teaches quiet seperatism and an heir apparent personality which has contributed to more deaths in the world than the plague.

    Backyard concept applied again, before you talk about the people of Islam and how they need to clean up their religion and all the wrong doings that happen in their ranks, clean up your own. Be sure that some preacher wont be leading the bunch in a black hanging in the rural south, or help the kids have alibis for their whereabouts like in the Gena 6 incident. That preachers wont abuse their children and abuse their power to hide it from authority. That almost every serial killer in history has had some overblown sense of a personal connection with either Christ or God himself. That gang members dont have tattoos of crosses, or crosses dont get a call to arms.

    Your personal relationship with God and what it has done for you Blog, does not negate the fact that Christianity, from the flawed doctrine that it is printed the flawed conduct to its members, including the pimps on the 700 club, are no more holier, moral, capable, or lead to God, than the "mislead people" that you denounce in Islam.

    The majority of Muslims, like the majority of Christians, like yourself, are on a spirtitual quest for answers that are not ever going to be answered. Christianity offers one set of answers, Islam offers another. One is not more right than the other, and they both have one wing dipped in blood to have established themselves.

    So in arguing that your religion is more moral or more right, almost as preposterous as the people you are engaging that Mike Tyson is a heavyweight great.

    Its not the doctrine that matters...God has many names. Its the fact that it illicits faith, on both sides, for humane things to happen.

    Unless of course you want to tell me Muhammad Ali is going to h**l because he doesnt prescribe to the doctrine you do. That would alleviate all of the things that Ali's existence did...and Im sorry. No Christian stood up like Ali did. Not during the holocaust, and not during Vietnam. If anything, the Christians said that the Vietnamese were godless and deserved to be killed (ask any drill instructor if he didnt tell him that they were fighting for God himself cause God was always on Americas side).

    Im sorry Blog, you cant have it both ways. You are either tolerant or your not. To fly under both banners says there is a disconnect between your personality and your beliefs.

    And dont get me wrong, I expect you to be enthusiastic about the thing that has had so much positive influence in your life...but you are blatantly ingnoring historical facts about Christianity. I am by no means disagreeing with your faith...but the difference is I can tell who was biblical in personality and who was a heretic. Jesus was biblical, Leviticus was a heretic.

    So I dont really think any established religion can get established without someone dying in its its nature it has to convert people that dont want to be to grow and survive.

    So lets keep the arguement between Islam and Christianity, as entities....where it belongs. In the hypocritical wastebasket.

  2. When I think of Tyson, I think of someone who could have been one of the greatest boxers ever and just threw it all away.  His actions do not affect me one bit.  It is just a shame he made bad decisions and we never got a chance to see his career develop as it should.  It is all on him though.  He has to live with his decisions not me.  He is nothing more than a long a lost memory.

  3. If you shared a gym with Tyson,chances are your hatred stems from him either punching you or threatening you for something you've said, or you've made a nuisance of yourself  like I suspected in answer to a previous question of yours,when you calm down you'll see how manic and ridiculous your questions and answers have been,there not healthy mate,something is wrong here.People who differ in their view of Tyson to yours are not morons no more than you are saying that jack Johnson is in the same league as Tyson(although I'm tempted)or your assertion that Johnson is the 3rd best heavyweight in history!!

  4. Get your facts right, Islam aint like that ! Before you assume, learn and see what Islam is, from a Muslims point of view.Dont assume, cuz when u Assume, you make an @ss out of you and me.

    PS. Mike Tyson did not convert 2 was Muhammed Ali, you einstein

  5. There are all kind of people in this world. There are people who worship O.J Simpson. I guess Mike was an exciting fighter, he either knock people out or be knock out himself. Some people rather watch that than sit through a boring Klitscho vs Ibragimov or Chagaev vs Skelton fights nowaday.

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