
I adopted a soldier.... now ,i would like to..plz help me??

by  |  earlier

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I "adopted" a soldier (through this volunteer program) for a year and then he went home safetly. It was my responsibility to support him by just being someone he could talk with, send letters, care packages etc it was very professional and very fun to be part of .

I belong to this new magazine site and one can send in stories, articles etc and i would like to write one about this volunteer program i was part of and which i would like to do again.

I am unsure of what exactly to include in it...i want to make ppl want to join volunteer activities especially for soldiers over seas and just to read how great it is to help out another human being.

If u were in the military or just a reader and u were reading my artiucle what would u like to see or know about wat i did and just simply how can i make it an article in a magazine worth reading???

I would appreciate your positive input!





  1. First off let me start by saying its an honor to reply to someone who is out there actively supporting our soldiers! Kudos In your article I would include what the program is about and just what they do. I would also add in the article the wonderful experience that you had with being part of the program. With what you wrote in your question you have caught my interest if you would be able to send me some information on the program I would greatly appreciate it. Good Luck with your article...

    my email is  

  2. I did the same and it was very rewarding. I think it would help if you told folks that it just means e-mailing once or twice a week, snail mail occasionally - mine liked that better 'cause all his buddies saw it - and the occasional "Care Package." Perhaps tell them what you put in the packages - how INexpensive stuff was the most appreciated, that sort of thing.

    I DO think you must emphasize that this IS A COMMITMENT and they must be up for it.

    Emphasize how rewarding it was for you to wind up not just adopting a soldier, but his entire family AND his fellow soldiers and their families as well!

    Hope this helped.

    Thank you for helping!!

    Mine, Thank God, came home safely after his THIRD tour and is now OUT!!

    EDIT:  Grab 'em with pictures. If they give you the space try to get one of YOUR soldier, his unit and, if possible, one of him and his packages and letters.

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