
I adopted two new Netherland Dwarf Bunnies. What are some cool things they they may learn?

by  |  earlier

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They are close to 4 months old and they are brothers. I was talking to some other people that had these bunnies and she said that hers will walk in balls (like the hamsters). I got some (13 in. round) and they just stand there! There must be some way for me to help them learn.




  1. most bunnies dont like being in those balls. You better just let them run without it as bunnies drop their droppings anywhere, you dont want them to have all he droppings insde the ball. You can make them pee and p**p on a litterbox, Simply put every p**p in the litterbox and put some hey in a corner of the box If you keep doing that they will start using the box. Do put them in a confined space at first, and make the space they have bigger week by week when they seem to use the litterbox.

    Keepin mind that bunnies do not like to be picked up because their instinct tells them that they will die when they get picked up (like in the wild a bird of prey would do that). You can try giving them treats reward hem when they allow you to pick them up but for my own bunnies that did not work.

    Bunnies are cuties and i hope you will enjoy them a lot!

  2. I found this site, it will tell you everything you need to knoe about your bunny.  For your concern, look under the "other" section for intelligence,

    Hope I helped =]

  3. they'll learn in time just let them be.

  4. if you want to teach him to walk in a ball, just slowly push the balls and soon he will get used to it.

    a trick that i do with my rabbit is make him follow carrot on a string, so he jumps around an obstical corse

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