
I agree that McCain did a great service for this country and suffered greatly, but...?

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Why sould we reward him with the suffering of hundreds and thousands more? He wants to stay in Iraq for 100 years! Do we reward all of the captured Vietnam vets by voting for them to be president?




  1. Obama is just telling people what they want to hear when he talks about an immediate troop withdrawal.  It makes no sense to pull troops out if the job's not done.  Setting a timetable for withdrawal is like letting the local burglars know when you're going to be away on vacation.

  2. It's not that he wants to stay in Iraq, it's that we simply can;t pull out like Obama is promising. Obama knows this very well and has been advised of this by senior military officials. We will, more than likely be there for a VERY long time. Us leaving will not resolve the problems over there. We would have to go back and clean it up again and again and again unless we achieve 100% of our goals.

  3. This question is another example that when it comes to the Obots, their candidate is...






  4. Vote Obama '08

  5. He isn't just a Vietnam Vet; he was a POW for several years, seven I think?  He isn't running on the fact that he was a vet or a pow.  It has been mentioned because it shows what he went through for his country.  I don't think he would be elected because of his experience in vietnam or as a pow.

    Oh no, it would be much better for us to leave Iraq and let Iran get its claws on it.  that would be great for American interests in the Middle East.

  6. It's ok to respect someone's service, while disagreeing with their policy.  Too many people don't agree with him and just say he's stupid, or bad, or whatever.  So you don't agree and won't vote for him.  That's ok.  He's still a war hero.

  7. The trouble with McCain is that while he might be more experienced than Obama, most of his experience is out of date. He might have been a great president during the 1970s, and he may even have been able to make Vietnam less of a humiliation, but today?

    Sorry, but McCain's political die was set during the cold war, and that's all that he knows. He's got no clue how to fight the war on terror and he'd just make it worse by treating the Taliban and Alquida as if they were the Soviet Union. His economic experience is based on the idea of America as a manufacturing powerhouse, a role which has now been taken over by China, Japan and Europe. If he were the boss of a car plant he'd order it to build SUVs and Pickups, when what America is increasingly demanding is compacts. And his social policies are based on the principle that everybody in America is middle class with good health care, when almost 1 in 6 Americans doesn't even have a dental plan.

    I'm also concerned that McCain's experience of foreign countries largely consists of bombing them or being tortured by them.

    How would it look if McCain walked into a meeting with the leaders of China or Japan and had a flashback to the war? I can just see it, he's walking into a conference in Beijing. He's been up all night, he's under pressure to resolve a tense political situation, and a car backfires. Suddenly the most powerful man in the world is diving for cover and screaming about a VC ambush. America would be a laughing stock. McCain would be a laughing stock.

  8. Good lord! Stop drinking the koolaid! McCain did not say he wanted to stay in Iraq for a hundred years, he said he did not care as long as our soldiers were not being hurt. We have been in many countries for years after wars.

    It is truely sickening how indoctrinated some people are. Think for yourself.

  9. People need to do their research.  He did not state he wanted to fight in Iraq for 100 years--he said we would be a presence in Iraq--just as we are in Japan and other countries.   ***

  10. Maybe because McCain didn't say he would stay in Iraq for 100 years, that is a misquote that has been played out by Obama in attempt to smear McCain.   And why should would give up so that all of those soldiers died for us toi turn around, run away, and be shamed by @ssholes like Al Qaeda for it?    

  11. I guess you missed the part were we are currently hammering out withdraw plans for our troops sooner rather than later. Apparently that thing called the surge that McCain approved of worked.

  12. He said 100 years and didn't mean it literally. He will leave when we have won.

  13. hes saying that giving up is a bad idea, and by the time he becomes president, the killings will prbbly be down to 2 or 3 a month, it was a 5 last month.

  14. I like how all democrats start out by saying what a great war hero McCain is then there is the BUT, nice try.  I noticed Obama is having a flip flop on the issue himself now that he is actually being educated on the issue of the war instead of just spouting things we would all like to happen but just may not be possible

  15. He did imply a long term occupation in Iraq.  And we could assume that it would be difficult to have troops there guarding embassies without having combat troops there ready to defend in the event of an attack.  He wants to stay there for as long as it takes to get rid of terrorists, regardless of whether the terrorists are even there, regardless of American lives, regardless of the financial deficit.  He wants this war and is the only lone soldier still fighting to continue this war.  Even the Bush administration has moved on and is now talking about Afghanistan being the main front on the war on terror.  So....100 years is not likely but possible.  I would vote for Obama and not take the chance.

  16. You've got to pay closer attention and quit listening to the liberal babble. McCain has laid out specifics. Obama talks and talks. Everything he said at the convention was said by John Kerry, and Al Gore, and Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter. The dems never change their tune. And they have a habit of getting in the way and blaming someone else.

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