
I allowed my cousin to move in with me, but he's not paying me what we agreed on, what do i do?

by  |  earlier

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During the whole monthj of June, my cousin was asking me to come to SC to pick him up and bring him to where i live in NC to work. I was very hesitant at first because i have been on my own for most of my life and moved here alone and it was great for me. Had no family or anybody i knew and enjoyed it. But finally i decided to give it a try. He said he would have given me $60 for gas, and when i got there, he only gave me $45. So that already was a bad start. So for the first 3 weeks before he started work, i bought him food, took him to the YMCA plenty of times to go play some ball, took hm to the movies each week, let him drive my car and he burned ujp alot of gas. But i really didn't have the money to give, so i took note of it and said that once he started work that he would have to pay it back and also made a list of all he had to pay each month and asked if he understood it and agreed and he said yes. And for those 3 weeks he owed me $455. Plus the $685/mo for everything. Well, he shorted me EVERY week over $100. Each week i said this cant continute to happen, and it did. He would get up EARLY on payday and take care of all what he wanted, then give me whatever he had left. And that was a trend. He acts as if he has an optoion on how much he pays me. So last thurs i told hjim i couldn't allow him to stay here anymore. I just wanna know if i made the right decision. And if i did, how much time should i give him before putting him out?




  1. I believe you did the right thing.

    It sounds as if this person has no sense of money management and his pleasures come before his commitments, like bills & rent etc.

    I am however a person of second chances, so tell him he needs to sort his c**p out and grown up financially. Then give him another month if you can afford and if he can even start to make up for what he's short then give him the boot.

    All the best.

  2. You definitely made the right decision your cousin knows your a pretty nice guy and because your cousins hes using that to bludge off you. Get rid of him and go back to being happy living on your own its a headache you dont need.

  3. I think you did make the right decision by telling him to leave - family or not, he's obviously taking advantage of you and of your sweet and generous nature.

    No more!

    A couple of weeks should be plenty of time for him to find an alternative.

  4. If he's not out in the time you gave him, you can take him to small claims court for the money he owes you.  Then put him on a bus back to where he came from.  

  5. Tell him to start finding a place and move starting right now, whether he has to stay with family or find another place for rent.

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