
I almost drowned and I'm humilitated...HELP!!!?

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Today I was under some large humiliation at the pool. Now normally I can swim (Well walk on the floor & stuff) and I always go to the 5'ft deep but today something embarrassing happened. I slipped and was trying to get the water out of my eyes and it looked like I was drowning then a lifeguard came and saved me..IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE POOL..

OK I lied, I didn't slip I was drowning. I have to much pride to get embarrassed like that. When I realized that I almost drowned, I wanted to jump back in with a stone tied to my ankle. I can't face that pool anymore with the burden of almost dying and facing that LG again.

Please help.




  1. Being dead would be a lot less cool. Take some swim lessons away from that pool, then go back and show everyone your new skills. And don't go back into deep water until you can swim.

  2. it happened to me too when i was young

  3. Dont let that bog u down! I was actually in Adventure Island Swimming pool in t5ampa today and I almost drowned too. But hey! at least you get a second chance at life! dont be humiliated. just learn how to really swim, like a private instructor or even better a friend or your parents to help u and maybe overcome the fear of the water and or humiliation =;)

  4. is that really "Gangsta Style"?

  5. It's alright. Lifeguards are there to save you in case you do become in trouble. There was a boy on my swim team who passed out in the pool, he was one of the best swimmers on our team, but he still needed assistance. Just be thankful that nothing else worse happened. Don't worry about it, we are there to save people in case they do become in trouble.

  6. lol oh dear, but seriously he will have forgotten you if you leave it couple of weeks unless when you next go back you start giving him eye contact and then he will twig again.

  7. It's okay! That's what lifeguards are for - to save you! I have a friend who got hit with a soccer ball withing the first 5 minutes of her very first soccer game and was rushed off to the hospital in an ambulance! What happened to you is not nearly as embarrasing as her incident! =P

  8. If your a dude just show up in a speedo.  If not take some swim lessons and impress them by using your mad gansta skills.

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