
I almost hit somebody with my car?

by  |  earlier

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I was driving home and It was raining which made it hard to see and I almost hit this lady with my car, I am so worried! does this happen everyday?? she walked away but what if she took down my license plate number. could I get in trouble?? I'm a newer driver. what should I do? call the police station and ask if there was a complaint??? I have no idea what to do!!




  1. People don't get in trouble for ALMOST doing things. Relax.

  2. If you "almost" hit her, why should you be concerned ?

  3. I would call the police ....say you were concerned about the well-being of a woman who took down your plate number after a near hit incident...say the woman took off before you could speak with her.

    This will be an easy way to see if she called the police.  Chances are,  she didn't call them at all.

  4. jutchill if no one got hurt no worries

  5. Just wait it out, lol because if you ask the police station if there was a complaint, and there wasn't what are you going to do then. but if you wait it out and she didnt complain, its fine.

  6. If you didn't hit her you have nothing to worry about. The good side of this is it shows you why you have to be on guard for the unexpected every moment you are behind the wheel. Take it as a lesson learned.

  7. You don't get in trouble for what you almost do.  If it's raining, and it's hard to see, SLOW DOWN.

  8. Just walk away and pretend nothing ever happen

  9. hey, don't worry the same thing happened to my  friend , we were driving in the rain and this boy suddenly ran across the road and she couldn't see him, but luckily the boy  ran really fast and went to the other side of the road,nothing will happen. If the lady was injured you should definately be worried. I'm sure it happens alot every day,and i doubt that if she walked away she would have the time to get out a pen and write your license plate number. Did this happen today?

    Good luck, and i hope everything goes fine

  10. do nothing if the woman just walked away. if somebody calls you, for example cops, deny it. tell them you dont know anything. these days bums are everywhere trying to make up story so they can make money out of it. you were at home THAT NIGHT.

  11. u gettin sued

  12. get a grip. drive more conservatively in the future.

  13. if she didnt get hit shes not gona do anything just stay calm

  14. almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

    You didn't hit her, so everything is fine. Really, it is.

  15. lol don't worry be careful for next time like the other person said you can't get in trouble for almost doing something you would already know by now if she did go to the police


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