
I already asked a similar question but what are the good and bad stereotypes of homeschoolers?

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and public schoolers too?

I am a homescooler student.




  1. I tend to think that all stereotypes are 'bad' because it is a blanket statement or assumption about everyone in a group of people.  Not everyone is the same, has the same experiences, or holds the same views so naturally there will be people who don't fit the stereotype.  Does that I don't stereotype people, but I honestly try hard not too because as a homeschooler I know how frustrating it can be when you are stereotyped.

  2. I was a homeschooled student for four years, and now i have been in public school for four years, so i have a pretty good view of the spectrum, and these are ones that people actually say; ones that i have heard at school.

    Main positive stereotypes of homeschoolers:

    -Smart because of "private tutoring"

    -Have lots of time for other activities

    -Healthy from no school lunches

    Main negative stereotypes of homeschoolers:

    -"Unsocialized" because there is not as much interaction with other kids

    -Nerdy and only like to focus on schoolwork

    -Secluded from the world

  3. i have been  homeschooled  for years theres nothing bad about it i make my friends by taking classes and i work hard because i dont HAVE to do the schoolwork NOW




    -Skipped grades



    -A true individual

    -High test scores

    -Early admission into college

    -Hard working

    -Enjoys school

    -Heavily involved in community activities (hey, it depends on who you ask)



    -Probably disabled/sick in some way

    -Bullied too much

    -"couldn't handle" school

    -Expelled from school


    -Sleeps all day and does nothing

    -Unsocialized (bullcr*A*p with a capitol A)

    -Doesn't do any "real" school

    -Wont go to college


    -Overly religious/conservative


    ooh, this will be tough...


    -Taught by "qualified" teachers

    -Must be doing well because the school itself has a good grade

    - "normal"



    -Poorly educated

    -Can't read on grade level

    -Can't do basic math in highschool

    -Don't care about learning

    -are CONVINCED that school is the only place to make friends (and they say homeschoolers don't get out enough)


    -Don't know how to think for themselves

    -Lack initiative

    -Obsessed with "fitting in"

    -Lack the ability to socialize with more than one type of person (typically people their age and in their "clique")

    -Wont be ready when the real world comes to kick them in the butt and there's no teacher to hold their hand and walk them through it.




  5. Good stereotypes:

    good students


    get along with people of all ages

    hard working


    original thinkers

    well rounded

    civic minded

    Bad (and rarely true) stereotypes


    socially awkward



    religious zealot



    : )  P

    ds 9

    ds 7

    EDITED TO ADD:  I just want to make sure that it is clear that I do not BELIEVE the negative stereotypes that I listed above.  The original poster asked for good and bad stereotypes for homeschoolers.    That is what I gave.

    The definition of sterotype is this: a standardized mental picture that is held in common by members of a group and that represents an oversimplified opinion, prejudiced attitude, or uncritical judgment.

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