
I already got the script ready but not getting good cameraman and directer, plus also require a female and mal

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will someone be able to suggest me some name of good cameraman and some good director, who can handle indoor as well as outdoor shoot, also will someone be able to guide me how to contact media person, through adv in diff newspaper in mumbai, or is there some good website like indiatelevision were i can advertise,

I already got the script ready but not getting good cameraman and directer, plus also require a female and male anchor




  1. I'm in the U.S., so take this for whatever it's worth. There is a HUGE film and TV industry in India, and I'll bet that if you can't find someone at one of the TV stations or film studios, or get them to recommend someone, then your next best thing is to approach any universities in your area that have Film courses, and see if they have any students or faculty they could recommend.

    Good luck with your film!

  2. no idea for the whole thing... but if you need a male anchor or singer.. don't forget to mention your location.

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