
I already have a hydrogen generator I now need to know how to connect it to my car so it runs exclusive hdrogn

by Guest57740  |  earlier

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All of these sites out there are selling hydrogen generators. Thats awesome, however now that I have one that works I would like to know how to connect it to my car to run exclusively on hydrogen. I don't want to just get a boost by running it through the air intake. I will get anything that I need to make it happen, cng stuff, computer modulators, what ever it takes I just need to know how to do it




  1. they are liars, go to utube 4 answers!serch hho!

  2. One of two things will happen.

    A)  It will not generate enough hydrogen to keep the engine running.

    B)  It will suck out the battery faster than the engine can recharge it and you will be able to run the car for about 30 miles before the battery goes dead and the coil on the alternator collapses and will no longer generate electricity.

    It takes more energy to generate the hydrogen than the engine alternator can produce by burning the hydrogen.  Even if you got the car running and just let it idle, it will stop running within 2 hours.

  3. You need some way to store the hydrogen.  Becasue there is no way to exstract it from water fast enough to run an engine.  Then you can run the generator all night and use the hydrogen durring the day.  And you probably need to replace the exaust system in your car with stainless steel so it does not rust out.  And replace a bunch of other parts.

  4. sorry you got ripped off.

  5. an onboard hydrogen generator can improve milage but .. your not going to get it to power the car with just hydrogen "produced onboard" unless you have a back seat and trunk full of batterys and a .. well a hydrogen cell that would fit in ur back seat.. if it wasnt full of batterys lol  and you would have to recharge them very soon .. so .. in that sense you might as well make an e car or go buy an electric hybrid

    just love how everyone says its a scam without knowing anything about it, i have done some tinkering with hho hydrogen/oxygen browns gas whatever you wanna call it

    i dont care how many mechanics say that modern day cars burn fuel at almost 100%

    well the truth is im a mechanic and i know for a fact there is unburned fuel going out of your motor "which can be fully burned with oxygen and hydrogen a very flamable gas

    , the battery in your car is fully charged after a very short amount of time your alternator is creating around 14volts constant just at an idle and not all of the 14 volts are being drawn down by the electronics of your car .. otherwise when you turn your headlights ac radio your car wouldnt run worth a c**p

    hydrogen is obivously a flamable gas ... an alternator obivously makes more voltage at all times then the car needs to run ......

    even if the alternator didnt .. you still have the "potental unused energy" from the non combusted fuel that normal goes to your catylistic converter and out of the exhaust

    that all being said .....for your car to be able to see a real improvement you have to drop the voltage going to your oxygen sensor, that or put a spacer in it ...

    it tricks the computer into giving the car less fuel

    otherwise you would see no improvment

    being your introducing more oxygen "coming from the hydrogen/oxygen mix" into your engine

    .. which will pass by your oxygen sensor ... telling the computer to give the car more fuel which would mean you see no improvment and it would even out or  drop your mpg

  6. You'll need a regulator and a way to meter the H2 into your throttle body. Several auto manufacturers looked into this in the 1970's. Have you done a Search?

  7. You will need an outside source of energy to power the generator.  Look up perpetual motion.

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