
I already took traffic school once when can i take it again to erase another point?

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what are the restrictions, time limts??




  1. It really depends on what state you live in. In Florida, it's every 12 months. You can check on your state's driver licensing website and it should give you your information.

  2. Yes, if the time between your last ticket and the current ticket is 18 months.  Sometimes the judge will make an expection if the time between tickets isn't 18 months for you to do again.

    I would recommed doing it ONLINE with  They were quick and easy, plus they had the lowest price.

  3. The Simple Answer is NO!  You have to wait the allotted time decided by your state....California is 18 months.  Of course if it has been close to that can make a court date and plead your case to the judge.....and he might take pitty on you.  

    If you are eligible I suggest you take an online traffic school.

  4. In CA, the 8-hour class once every 18 months, except LA and some counties, you can go before the judge and get a 2nd time in 18 months, only it's a 12-hour class.

  5. In my state it is once every two years, call and check with your (dmv) office or court house....

  6. Recommend that you don't do anything (unless you want to out of the goodness of your heart) until the court orders it...You may not have the option of traffic school the second time around...I was chewed out for taking a remedial driving course before a court appearance as I presumed that the judge would allow me to do it as my penance.

    Wait to see what the judge says.

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