I ran across your Craigslist Ad and I have something open if you are still available. The position available if for an online secret shopper. The only requirement is that you have a computer and an internet connection. The position is temporary, but it is a great and very easy way to make some extra money quickly. First off there will never be any cost to you, that is the first thing everyone always asks.
Basically all you will have to do is visit various websites we send you to and request for free information such as college enrolment information, new car quotes, etc. No credit card is required and you will never have to provide a social security number or anything like that.
You can complete these jobs in your spare time as it is convenient to you. We pay $20 per completed shopping list, and each list takes about 1 hour to complete. We pay our shoppers bi-weekly, 2 weeks from the week you complete your first project. We make all payments to our shoppers by PayPal.
If you are interested just email me back at Jobs@YourSecretShopper.com and I will get you started ASAP.