
I always bite my cheek?

by  |  earlier

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I always bite my cheek. It's really annoying and must look really weird to others if I keep making faces with my mouth because of the cheek biting. Plus if a boy kisses me the inside of my mouth must feel weird. And I'm not saying I walk around with an open mouth but if I yawn it must look horible. I can't stop though and it's not as if I am worried/anxiouis/stressed. Please what can I do to help stop?




  1. R u under stress baby??? Dnt b under stress....

    It's due to many reasons u bite ur cheek .....  it's psycological prblm as u can't stop it n r anxious stressed, worried...

    So need to relieve urself fm stress.... Try Yoga.... it's a relaxation technique.....

    Rehabilitation is required to u....

    Cheek biting is a habit n may become dangerous when it may turn precancerous condition..... U may not continue this habit when u r afraid of cancer.... Think that u will get oral cancer by continuing this habit.... it wi;; surely intercept this ill habit...

  2. Maybe gum or a life saver might do the trick....

    or ever carry a toothpick, something to take your mind off the

    habit you have, because really, that's all it is....

    hope this helps................

  3. Well maybe you could try chewing gum or eating a mint etc.. it might take your mind off biting your cheek. Also you could try developing another habit.. i dont mean like a worse one but one like going to a gym or always doing something to keep you busy.

  4. I was a cheek-biter for years.  When I got braces I couldn't bite my cheeks anymore and I lost the habit.

    Cheek biting has been linked to some oral cancers, as it causes repeated trauma to the mucous membranes.  Yes, it makes you look funny while you're doing it, but it can also have bad long-term effects.

    Ask your dentist for advice.  Sometimes wearing a retainer, or a similar piece of equipment, can physically prevent you from biting your cheek.  Whenever I notice that I'm starting to bite my cheek again, I put my retainer in.  Yes, I'm supposed to wear it all the time, but I don't.

  5. Stop taking your teeth out try fixadent

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