
I always burn microwavable popcorn?

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I shouldn't have to be a rocket scintest to make pop corn!!!!! What's up with that? Is this some kind of sick game the factories play to make us buy more or what????




  1. Well, if you're always burning it I would suggest settling for less overall popped popcorn and cooking it for a shorter period of time.  If you're burning the popcorn when it's being cooked for 3 minutes try 1:30 or something along those lines.  

    If your popcorn is burning even after an extremely short period of time (and before it's done popping) I guess your microwave is just really powerful...

  2. Its possibe that even though your setting the right time on your Microwave, your heat rang is too high...

    I have a Commercial Microwave at home and had the same problem.....  So what I did was put the popcorn in the Microwave, and then set the time very 10 minutes, start listening...and when the popcorn slows down to nearly a halt. Stop the microwave and note how long it took and make a note for next time....Then you will have perfect Popcorn for "Your" microwave

  3. lol i used to do the same thing now i just stay by the microwave and listen for the popping to slow down then i take it out

  4. For a 1100 / 1200 watt microwave oven, the

    exact time is 2min 55 secs. Had three daughters ,trust me they love popcorn

  5. Lol!!  :D

    Some times the reason for burning popcorn could be:

    a. the microwave plate that turns isn't rotating as it should

    b. you're setting on the wrong heat setting (like high, medium, low, defrost)

    c.  you're setting it on the popcorn settings, which really doesn't work.  it over-heats it and often causes popcorn to burn.

    d.  you're just leaving it in too long.

    Hope this helped!!  :)

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