
I always dream about England...?

by Guest64669  |  earlier

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Hello everybody,

I'm seventeen and I'm Italian, but my biggest dream's always been to live in England.

I really love all that is english, also the people... I find you simply wonderful...

In your opinion, could I come there after the school?

I'm only afraid that my life won't be easy... but England is my dream... and I hope that I'll realize it.

Have you any advices?

Thanks to everybody...


PS I'm sorry for my not perfect english... ;)




  1. Yes, Britain seem popular with tourists, but we Brits can never really understand why!

    Our climate often leaves a lot to be desired, the price and cost of living here is high, service in cafe`s etc can sometimes a bit off-hand.

    But otherwise, yes, when you are a bit older, come and judge for yourself.  You are always welcome.

  2. I f you like children then you could become a nanny (au pairs) for a couple that is too busy.  Check with some nanny agencies and see if you qualify.  Its a good way to live there and see if you really like it and get paid too.  It is also a safe way to live , protected  in a family setting.  You could apply to stay only for the summer or for one year.  Good luck.

  3. How is england in your dreams? I am from england and im proud to be english but somtimes i dont like my country and i hate this place and want to live somwhere else.I have also been to italy when i was 12 years old and i didnt like it to be honest

  4. Yes you can come easily, Italy is in the E.U. And your English is fine :D And we love Italian people over here, we think they're s**y :D

  5. Stop dreaming it never stops raining here we are going to Italy for a holiday hope it's sunny :)

  6. my friend is african and he has fitted in very well. so come over here to england and enjoy your self.

    p.s i love the italians :)

  7. just come, get a cheap flight from Bergamo to Leeds for about 100 euro return. Come for a week or so see if you like it, go to a job centre and get a job. Easy . Welcome.

    Maybe wait till you are a little older, 20 or so, 17 is a bit young for a strange country, although my great grandfather came from italy with a pregnant wife and nothing else 100 years ago and did Ok

  8. Well improve your English and take your chance for a undergraduate study in UK or stay in Italy for your undergraduate study and go for a graduate study in UK. But first of all you will need a much improved English for both of those options. Hope this helps.

  9. Meraviglioso! Benvenuto!

    Have you been over already, for holidays or anything? I hope so, we like tourists and we like Italians expecially since they are always so wonderfully dressed and fashionable.

    Now we're all in the European Community together I think you'd find it easy to come and live in England, so continue to study hard and we'll see you in the future, perhaps.

    Buona fortuna!

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