
I always dream of my mom?

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I keep dreaming these weird dreams about my mother. One of my dreams my mom tried to get my get my fingers stuck in the door that didn't work so she tried to gnaw off my leg. And then other times I will have a dreams that my mom will eat a big plate of frozen ground beef even though she is a vegetarian. My mother would never hurt me or eat meat. What do these whacked up dreams mean?




  1. To see your mother in your dream, represents the nurturing aspect of your own character. Mothers offer shelter, comfort, life, guidance and protection. Some people may have problems freeing themselves from their mothers and are thus seeking their own individuality and development.

    To dream that your fingers are injured or have been chopped off, denotes your anxieties about your ability to accomplish some demanding task or perform in some waking situation.

    To see raw meat in your dream, signifies that there will be many obstacles and discouragement in achieving your goals.

  2. You say your mother would never hurt you or eat meat but then dream directly contradicts this statement.  While you don't mention having any pain, she does appear to be hurting you by getting your fingers stuck and gnawing off your leg.  Also, she is not only eating meat but eating raw meat.  I would suggest there is some type of conflict in your relationship with your mother and maybe even some kind of competition between the two of you for control.  It would be interesting to explore your relationship with her.

  3. Your Mom protects you, and maybe wants to keep you home a few more years, and you must be feeling trapped because of this.  So, you see her as "trying to get your fingers stuck in the door" or "gnawing off your leg" to keep you at home.

    I'm not sure about the ground beef. If I "get it" later, I'll come back and add it.

    Pray for wisdom.  Don't be too much in a hurry to grow up and leave home.  Your Mom just wants what is best for you.

    God bless you,


  4. I think dreams are an extention of our subconsious, but I wouldn't take them to literaly.  I got shot in a dream once and even felt the hot lead in my body...weird huh?  But I never got shot in real life.  Maybe sitting down and talking them out with your mom will help.  Try it, then see if you still have the dreams.  Maybe it something about your mom that's tied up in your brain and it comes out in the way of these dreams.  Good luck, I hope your future dreams are more pleasant.

  5. Could be that your mom was trying to stick your fingers in the door to get them off or gnaw your leg off to save your life.  And eating the ground meat could be that she would do anything to save you.  You just never know.

  6. I have had very strange dreams like this also.

    For example, my mom was always crawling on the floor and my dad went crazy and tried to kill everyone.

    This website usually helps.

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