
I always feel bad after s*x, because Im not in a relationship. How can I stop from being easily seduced?

by  |  earlier

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Thats about it. Girls are over me left and right. They basically come to my house naked. How do I stop this madness? I want to find a girl and be tied down for once. Ive had s*x with 48 beautiful women in 4 years. Is that bad?




  1. it is bad

  2. two words man....


  3. Just stop.  

  4. I don't know how to help you because I don't consider that a problem.

    I wish I had your luck with guys!

  5. You shouldn't have s*x before you're married.  And once you're married, you shouldn't get divorced.  And when married, you shouldn't have s*x with anyone other than your spouse.  If you stick to that, and you explain that to anyone who wants to have s*x with you, then, they should respect that, otherwise they don't really love you.  And if you're having trouble doing that, you may need some supportive friends who understand and maybe who share your goal.  If that doesn't work you may need to see a counselor.  Don't worry about the fact that you've already messed up (that was a sin, 48 of them if you were never married).  You need Jesus though, if you're going to seriously stop doing something that can happen so easily that you hardly seem to have control.  I hope this helps you

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