
I always feel like my dad is dying?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so since my dad is in like a depression for loss of money, no job, being 53, etc hes thought about suicide. Hes always sad most of the time. He has a horrible diet and hes not very healthy. He takes plenty of pills but I know for certain he doesnt overdose. My dad and I have a not so good relationship when its just a normal day but he does know I love him and he loves me too.

But since hes been hurting more...emotionally and physically and I cant help him so I get sad. He just hides his pain from me a lot and I always feel like its way worse. I can tell becauses hes going to bed earlier and hes like I hope im okay and he just worries. He doesnt/cant get life insurance and he doesnt wanna waste a large portion of his money on pills so if he dies we cant do much.

Oh and he kepts telling me at like the end of the day I love you a lot and i hope you well and i know your a good girl and he always makes me think hes gonna die the next day so i start crying A LOT!

Anything I can do to get over this feeling and to reassure me hes okay?




  1. Well, from reading that, i just almost started crying.

    But what you should do is, like what the girl before me said, spend more time with him. You never know when something is going to happen, and you ended up waiting your time. Which, is what i did. But just keep your memories special, and always remember the good times.

    And I bet when he says "I Love you" he means it. At the situation he is in right now, he may not be the best father, but I am thinking he just wants you to know that he will love you in no matter what situation.

    I know I didn't give any good suggestions. But I hope you know how I feel.

    Please help...similar to yous.;...

  2. You know after reading what you`re going through, it brought tears in my eyes.  I know you love your dad a lot.  You can try to make things better for him and also for yourself.  Spend more time with him and tell him how much he means to you.  Try to make an outing togather, if you can do it, things will start changing at home.  Maybe he`ll starting seeing things in a different way.  Tell him that he means alot to you and you want him to be around.  That`ll make him feel wanted.  I wish you all the best and hope your dad will be happy in time to come.  Good luck.  

  3. i ve been in the same condition with u with my dad its so sad seeing ur dad being depressed and just lying in the bed thinking n been depressed i ve lived that my wholel life and what i can tell u is to make sure that u wont do anything which will hurt him more boost his confidence make him find an aim look for job try to do stuff with him to make him forget his problems hold his hand n tell him that u love him but mostly dont show him ur pain be strong feel inside u like u r a stone like u have no feelings n help him..answer mine..

  4. Dress him up, nice and smart. Take him to a nightclub and YOU pay for the drinks. Reassure him, he does have a life, and he's wasting it thinking that he doesn't have one. Have a good part-ay and look after him that night. Shannon xx

    PS: Literally DRAG him there, however - if he want's to come back, take him back home.

  5. Wow.  Your dad needs to get into therapy for his depression.  Now!  Especially since he is talking about suicide.  He is not eating healthy because he doesn't care anymore.  You don't want to wake up one morning and find that he took his life.  I can't assure you that he's okay because he's not.  I suffer from clinical depression but going into therapy and on medication has changed my life for the better.  Let him know how much you love him but that he needs to get professional help.  You need a family intervention to convince him to go into  therapy.  

  6. If there were I wish I had know about it when I was going through what you are.  My dad was 50 when I was born so he could have almost been my grandfather.

    When I was in my teens, I cried my self o sleep every night thinking my dad was going to die.   I cried about it until I was 32 yeas old and he did die.  Remember I cried every night for all those years.

    When he did die at age 84, I could not shed a tear.  I was all cried out.

    Just enjoy him being alive.  Worrying about him will not add one minute of life to him.  Only God knows when his life will end, there is no need for us to try to bury our fathers to soon.  

  7. Hi, I too got tears. We all worry about our parents. You have reasons to worry. He should have an assesment by a doctor. Maybe first try a father,  daughter relationship rescue, intervention type thing. Take your first answerer's, suggestions, plan somethings, tell him you want more than anything, to have the best father, daughter relationship, possible, because you really need his advices on life and living. Something like that. Than help him relize that, an assesment would be the best way to go. Hopefully the doctor will perscribe fresh air and as much excersize as possible, to get the feel good endorphe needed, for a more positive outlook.

    Good luck!!

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