
I always feel my boss puts me on the lame-*** project. I hate that!!!

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I always feel my boss puts me on the lame-*** project. I hate that!!!




  1. Every project is important to the company, otherwise the company would not pay people to do it.

    Apparently something about the projects you are assigned to work on bothers you. If there are types of endeavors you would rather work on, then you might have a heart-2-heart talk with your boss about what project qualities excite you and which ones feel tedious to you, and, for efficiency's sake if nothing else, maybe they will start assigning you to things you like better, at least some of the time.

    Because happier employees usually are more efficient.

    But in talking I'd suggest striking the workd lame-*** from your vocabulary. Treat with respect each assignment you discuss.

    Good Luck!

  2. Prove to the boss that you are worthy of more,and likely it will change!

  3. Maybe he/she doesn't trust you yet.

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