
I always feel tired after eating sugary stuff like desserts.. why is this?

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I always feel tired after eating sugary stuff like desserts.. why is this?




  1. I would guess low blood sugar  

  2. you might have diabetes i think you should check the Doctor this might be serious your body is not making enough insulin

  3. It;s because there are lots pf fats in them

  4. carbs subdue your mood and unless you accompany them with a decent quantity of protein it will make you sleepy.

    If this is very intense you might have insulin resistance a health problem that might lead to diabetes and is common -though not exclusive - among unfit overweight people if you belong in that category loose weight exercise and don't eat too many sweets. Also if your waist is more than 35 inches [woman] or 38 inches [man] you should talk to your doctor.

  5. It is probably nothing, but tell your Dr and ask for both a test to check for low and high blood sugar.

  6. The stomach uses more energy than any other internal organ so people feel tired when they eat a lot - think of how everyone flakes out after xmas dinner.

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