
I always get bloated even though I try to drink a lot of water mostly in the evenings what is wrong? ?

by  |  earlier

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happens mostly when am about to go to bed




  1. stop drinking so much water.  Get your 8 glasses a day but good heavens girl, if you are bloated at night and you drink lots of water at night.....make the connection.  Drinking water isn't a cure for bloat, it is a cure for dehydration.

  2. Don't drink too much water, especially at night... Make sure you eat plenty of green vegetables, try to avoid food like onions, garlic, cabbage, beans, cauliflower...etc. at dinner, they tend to produce gas in your gastrointestinal tract, which be make your stomach feel uneasy. Pay attention to you eating habits, eat regularly, don't overeat, pace yourself when eating. Try your best to do your Number 2s regularly and daily.

    on top of that, regular exercise (in this case maybe yoga can help) is generally good for you :)

    hope you get better! if symptoms persist, go see a doctor!

  3. You should go to your Dr. and get your blood tested.  Maybe there are some types of foods you should stay away from to prevent the bloating.  Obviously salts make you bloated, but there are even some vegetables that give you the bloated effect.  Or maybe you aren't getting certain nutrients that your body needs. I highly recommend talking to your Dr. and finding a solution. Remember to only take natural supplements and nothing chemically made if you're Dr. prescribes something to you. PS.  It's not b/c you drink too much water.

  4. Just drinking water won't be enough.  I find it's more important to watch how much salt I'm eating.  If I eat a lot of salty foods - lots of tortilla chips, or ramen noodles, or something - I bloat up a lot the next day.  Try cutting back on the salt and see if that helps.

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