
I always get hiccups when I get drunk. Why is this? Just curious...?

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I always get hiccups when I get drunk. Why is this? Just curious...

It's usually when I feel like getting good and toasty. I only drink seldomly, but it's every time.




  1. you look nice when you get it I was looking at a woman she had the same situation and I was laughing at her then I brought her a water look how nice I'm

  2. A hiccup is an unintentional contraction of your diaphragm — the muscle that separates your chest from your abdomen and plays an important role in breathing. This contraction makes your vocal cords close very briefly, which produces the sound of a hiccup. Eating a large meal, drinking carbonated beverages or swallowing air. These can cause your stomach to expand (distend), which pushes up your diaphragm, making hiccups more likely. Alcohol can relax your diaphragm and vocal cords, making it easier for other factors to trigger hiccups.

  3. im not sure..

    when i drink hard liquor i get terets.

    i think it has something to do with our bodys not being used to it.

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