
I always get sore throats =(?

by  |  earlier

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I checked with my doctor a month ago, I told him that ever since I was little I always had a lot of throat infections, and pretty much every single day my throat feels sore. He told me it's because my metabolism is very high and that dries out my throat. Is there any advice you guys can give me? thanks so much




  1. try gargling salt water

    its good for sore throats

  2. you should tell your mum or dad and go and see a special or different doctor that u did last time and ask for some advise and some medicine to heel it.

  3. grate fresh ginger, add hot water and honey to taste.

    Also, herbal tea "Traditional Medicinals - Throat Coat" will do the trick temporarily.

    avoid alcohol and caffeine. they are diuretics.

    The important thing with a sore throat is to stay hydrated. run a humidifier or vaporizer while you sleep. If you breathe with your mouth open at night, and it's dry, you'll just aggravate things, also you can try:

    1 cup water as hot as you can stand to gargle with

    3 t apple cider vinegar

    1 t honey

    Gargle with this. Use the entire cup, I know it tastes nasty but its good for your health.

  4. i have the same problem!!! what i do that seems to work is to do a warm salt water gurgle before i go to bed. also just take some halls whenever it seems to flare up too much.

    good luck

  5. drinking hot lemon tea always helps for me

    Add the juice of one lemon to 10-12 ounces of boiling water

    or the juice of 1/2 lemon to 6-8 ounces of boiling water.

    add just enough sugar to make the sour bearable and drink it as hot as you can without scalding your throat

  6. I know how frustrating it can be.  I"ve sufferend from sore throats since I was a kid as well.  As a matter of fact I've had one for the last 3 wks and am ready to SCREAM!  The important thing is to make sure that it's viral or as you said due to your metabolism.  On my end they say it's viral but just seems to want to hang around.  If thats all it is, then perhaps taking advil/tylenol for pain, throat losenges ect.  Hang tough.

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