
I always hear about matching Salaries in the NBA. How did LAC land Camby for nothing??? Atleast LAL...?

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gave up something for Gasol and Boston gave up players for Garnet. How did the Nuggets and the Clippers do this?? and a better question is why would the Nuggets do this. Camby was their only defender and has led the league in shot blocking for like 3 years. I dont get it. The clipppers will have a better season than the Nuggets this year. Denver and Dallas are out of the playoffs and Portland and LAC are probably in




  1. What up tmpl924,

    The Clippers and the Grizzlies were the only two teams under the cap- and so it gave the Nuggets cap relief.  But you are right that essentially the Clippers got Camby for nothing- because it's also for the rights to trade 2nd rounders- and if the Clippers finish with a better record than Denver (which on paper seems a very real possibility right now) then Denver would off course keep their pick -- and Camby was basically given away for free.

    It's kind of silly and insulting to Camby - but Denver is freeing up cap space and we can't really evaluate the whole thing til we see their future moves- but personally i just felt bad for Camby and a lot of other teams would have given up something of value to get him.


  2. Camby's old bruh. He ant 20 anymore. He's 34. He's going to completely break down in a year or 2. Nuggets were smart getting rid of him, but I do agree they should have gotten moe with it.

  3. they got 10 mil in cap space and an option to swap 2nd round picks in 2010.

    this was possible because the clippers were under the cap and had cap space to bring in camby.  this could end up being a good move for both teams.  rumor has it that denver is trying to use that cap space as part of a deal to try to bring in kirk hinrich.  also the clippers can use camby as a piece for a bigger deal later on, since i dont see why they would want camby and kaman.

    camby is a good help, weak side defender.  hes not a very good man to man defender in the paint.

  4. LAC 100% play off's. Defo.

    Clippers conduct transfer campaign very very professionally.

    I'm impressed be their moves and strategy.

    Portland? Poor bench, poor draft.

    No play off's on horizon.

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