
I always hear about shotgun weddings?

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This implies that the wedding took place on short notice. But, has anyone ever been to a wedding that actually included a shotgun??




  1. Shotgun weddings are weddings that are "compelled" to take place, typically because the couple is expecting.  There doesn't necessarily have to BE a physical shotgun, but the idea is that if the wedding does not take place, then the groom will be a dead man because the pregnant girl's family will take him out.    

  2. Well, I had some friends that brought out the guns during the reception and shot at some targets, but I've never actually heard of anyone bringing one to the wedding itself.

  3. Ummmm I'd hope not.

  4. Yes, I have, it used to be common in the hills where us hillbilles live.  Of course that was way back when it you were shamed if you had a child out of wedlock, not

  5. lol no but i saw it on kill bill

    its called shotgun when a couple gets married right away because the woman is pregnant, and in the old western days when and if the father of the bride caught wind of this chances are he would show up at the wedding with a rifle!!!

  6. I always thought this meant that the couple was being forced to marry by there families.  Usually because of something that happened between the couple, like an unwanted pregnancy.  

    But no I have never seen the shotgun included.

  7. Yes, I am from Texas.

  8. In the old days, if a unwed girl became pregnant she was a disgrace to the family and no one would want to marry her in the future (because they knew she wasn't a virgin).  To prevent this problem, the father of the unwed girl would find the father of the unborn baby, hold a shotgun to his head, and force him to marry his daugher.

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