
I always lean forward in slow vehicles to help get up the hills, I know it helps, please help me prove it!?

by  |  earlier

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I know this works with diesel transits, but maybe not with petrol ones. If everyone did this we wouldn't get stuck behind slow lorries. Does it also work on straight roads?




  1. Yeah definitley works - I used to drive buses and it worked with them, i used to tell the passengers to pick themselves up off the seats so they would weigh less to get up some of the steep hills!

    Similarly, if your going a bit quick as you come up to a gap you didn't realise was QUITE so tight, simply put your foot down to speed up, breathe deeply in, and close your eyes - this actually makes the bus slightly THINNER and helps you get through the gap without taking wing mirrors off!

  2. I dont think leaning forward has any affect at all. You dont weight enough to significantly change the speed of a vehicle going up a hill.

  3. Glad i'm not the only one who does this, lol.

    It must work if we all do it, is that proof enough ?

  4. Interesting.

  5. It's always worked for me.

  6. Its psychological, does not actually help in any way.  The amount of weight that you are actually transferring position of is miniscule in relation to the gross weight of the vehicle and assorted loads. Many people do it though without thinking, most of them also lean into a turn the way motorcyclists do. Which does not help any either.

    Completely harmless and if YOU thinks it helps, why not.

  7. just think about gravity. if u lean back on hills there will be more gravity weighing you down since it acts on the surface area of your body and it will pull u back pulling the vehicle back to

    if u lean foward gravity will be more centered in the vehicle....

    not a for sure statement... just logic i guess

  8. You get better results from cutting a hole in the floor and doing a "Fred Flintstone".

  9. get out and run up the hill next to it.

  10. you shift more weight on the front tyres causing more friction actually slowing you down

  11. I do that too but I don't think it makes a difference. I duck when a bird flies at me too.

  12. I don't think this really helps (except in the mind) and it is always fun to tell your kids to rock forward to help the vechile make it up the hill...if you do find that your statement is true, it will be interesting to read the answer.

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