
I always lift up when I swing and top the balls?

by Guest62286  |  earlier

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Well not always but what can I do to hit the ball consistently at the right level?




  1. Make sure you don't look up, because that can cause you to top the balls. Beyond that, I have no idea other than having too short of a club.

  2. This relates to your other question about head movement.  You are probably moving your head back in the backswing, then catching the ball with the bottom of the leading edge because your swing is behind the ball instead of through the ball and into the turf.  See my tip there.

  3. You're rotating your body too early during the downswing. By the time you reach the ball, your upper body has rotated too much and has thus caused you to lose your spine angle-which must be maintained through impact. Instead, emphasize more of a lateral shift of the hips forward (towards the target) when beginning the down swing (actually, this shift should begin even before the back swing has been completed). This will delay the rotation of your shoulders, your spine angle will be maintained, and your thin shots will miraculously disappear.

  4. You are swinging to hard then, to hit the ball consistent you need to make good contact and if you can't then you should try and swinging slower

  5. slow down your swing and dont be too eager to see how your ball fly. Cos if you hit the sweet spot, the ball will still be airborne even after you had completed your follow through and to some extend, even got the time to pick up your tee!!

  6. put a magazine (or a scorecard, something not too obtrusive, but you can still feel) tucked into the back of your pants.  When you swing, it the magazine digs into your back, it means you've came up (changed your spine angle from what you had at address)... which is your swing fault.

  7. I'm assuming you are referring to hitting the ball from the ground and not off the tee with this answer:

    If you are TRYING to hit the ball, you'll probably top it every time.  The angle you see the ball and what your brain thinks is the right place to hit the ball is not where it really is.  We make subconscious muscle movements to adjust based on what you think you are seeing, so as a result, you could be lifting your head, tense up your arm muscles, or turn a little faster than the club head...

    Before you hit the ball, take a couple practice swings and make sure you are hitting where you want and the club head is hitting the ground, keep that feel in your head and walk up to the ball, don't think about hitting the ball, but think about repeating that last swing's feel.  Try this at the driving range couple times with your eyes closed to learn the feel.  Then when you are out playing, repeat the same drill, then TRUST YOUR SWING.

  8. Teaching pros call it maintaining your spine angle or maintaining the flex in your knees.  You have to stay down and rotate through to make solid contact with the ball.  If you lift at all, you'll top the ball or hit it thin.  It's just like in baseball where they tell you to watch the ball.  You have to watch yourself hit the ball.

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