
I always say bye at the end of a phone call. Do you?

by  |  earlier

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It's weird. On Tv and in the movies no one ever says bye anymore but for me it's like a natural reaction to say bye. Is it the same for you guys?




  1. what about "see ya"?

  2. I always say "Ciao-ciao" or "Buh-bye" or "See you later."  It's just part of human communication, isn't it? ^.^  It's polite, and it concludes thingsnicely, so that you know that you are both done speaking.

  3. yes.

  4. yeah always! it would be weird not to!

  5. Yea, some kind of closer like bye, cya, peace, later, goodnight.... something like that.  

  6. yes, always!

    I think it's so rude to leave someone hanging like that...

  7. Either "Bye!", "See ya!", "Ba-bye!".

    I don't just cut off the phone. How rude and impersonal!

  8. i always do. my dad NEVER does, and it drives me insane.

  9. yeah i always say bye, unless im pissed off lol

  10. I usually say bye, or later in english

    In spanish I'll almost always say Ciao.

    Just seems rude to just...hang up.

  11. Yeah, if I don't end the phone call with bye or bye-bye I feel strange!

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