
I always seem to get hungry even after a big meal what does this mean?

by  |  earlier

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Your all saying i didnt have enough to eat but i did thats what i mean by a big meal and by the way it couldnt be any more healthy if my dinner i had last night was unhealthy than im the queen on england lol




  1. That you're hungry. Being hungry isn't necessarily a pregnancy sign if that's what you're wondering about. I didn't feel an increased appetite until later on in my pregnancy anyway. The first 15 weeks I had horrible morning sickness and food was the LAST thing on my mind.

  2. given that you're on here, i'm going to assume you're having difficulty TTC.

    being hungry after eating, combined with fertility issues could be an indication of an insulin problem, such as those generated by/related to Polycystic ovaries.

    If you have been TTC for a year, or have a family history of fertility issues, or diabetes, head to your doctor now for some fertility assistance.

  3. food craving is not really

    a sign of pregnancy.

    until your third trimester

  4. There could be a few reasons

    1. You still need more food (unlikely as you said you ate a big meal)

    2. You brain has not registered that you are full yet (it takes 20 minutes for that to happen) so just wait a little longer.

    3. The craving to eat is behavioural rather than physical (this depends what is going on in your life - maybe stressing about always feeling hungry is making you focas on food too much) You could try keeping busy doing something else after meals to take your mind off.

    4. Your stomah has expanded a little. The more you eat on regular basis, the more your stomach stretches and so it takes more food to fill it. Have you ever noticed how if you haven't eaten much for while, say, if you have been sick, then you can't just go and eat a massive meal because it just wont fit. This is because your stomach has shrunk a little.  

    5.  You are eating the wrong kind of foods.  Eating high fibre low GI foods like brown rice, wholemeal bread etc are not only ver god for you, they will make you feel fuller for longer.  You can google low GI foods/diets.  

    Hope this helps

  5. it takes 20 minutes after you have finished eating for your brain to register you are full

  6. It means you're hungry? lol. Sure you ate, but maybe all you ate was empty calories, your body doesn't just need food when you're hungry, it needs nutrients and vitamins. Try eating a healthier meal and see if you're still "hungry" after that.

  7. Your not getting enough to eat.. Make sure you eat three meals to envoding it again

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