
I always wake up around 2 or 3 a.m. to go pee. Should I take preg test then, or wait until I wake up at 6?

by  |  earlier

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I know pregnancy tests say to wait until the first pee, but which of these is considered it?

This morning (the day my period was supposed to start) I took a prego test and I had a very, very faint positive. I had to even hold it to the light to be sure it was really there. Well, I took 2 more tests throughout the day (diff. brands), and both of those were neg. Anyway, I want to make sure I take the next one at the right time b/c this is getting expensive! My curiosity is killing me tho!




  1. i would wait until you wake up properly in the morning. but if your pregnant your pregnant and it will show up in the test. these things can be very accurate. if you really want to know the cheaper option would be going to the doctors and doing a pregnancy test and getting a blood test. it wont show if your testing to early. good luck :)

  2. I would take it when u get up and go pee

  3. maybe you drink a lot of water or liquid when you go to sleep

  4. With my son I took one at 10 pm and it came back positive. I dont think that it really matters personally.

  5. if you even had a faint positive, you're pregnant. the only way the lines could show up is if you had hcg in your urine, which is PREGNANCY!! congrats. but you can test at 3 am if you've been sleeping a solid 4 or 5 hours. your urine is more concentrated . . . good luck

  6. yes, when you wake up.. but honestly if you get an EPT, it doesnt matter when you take it. dont worry about it. they are sooo accurate.  

  7. Wait until 6 am but if your waking up at night to pee it may be the first sign

    good luck

  8. wait a few more days before you take one again, and any time will work.

  9. Even though you are delirious at 2 or 3 am, You should take the pregnancy test then, because you probably have more pee saved up (depending on what time you went to bed). Between 2 or 3 hours is not enough time to build up the hormone that the test reads strong enough. This is why they ask you to wait. The longer between pees, the easier it is to tell !

  10. this same thing happened to me recently when i was taking pregnancy tests, both of which came back negative. i took one in the afternoon after drinking lots of liquids, and one at 6:30 in the morning but i had gotten up two times before that to pee in the middle of the night. i wasnt sure what was considered first morning urine so i waited until i woke up for the day. im not sure if that made any differences, but i have been peeing like crazy for about the past 2 weeks. i havent re-tested this week. i thought i would relax and see if AF comes along, but she still hasnt, so i plan to test again tomorrow. good luck to you.

  11. I would get a digital one and wait a few days to retake just to be positive.  

  12. Either will be fine. You can pregnancy test 7 days after a missed period for the greatest accuracy. As you can see, testing too early will give you a number of different results. In the meantime, you can look at signs that your body will be giving you if you are pregnant. Best wishes, G

    Pregnancy Signs:

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