
I always wake up right before someone calls me?

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My boyfriend calls me sometimes in the middle of the night its always at different times a few times a week. I always seem to wake up anywhere from 30 seconds before to a minute before he calls. It doesnt happen with anyone else. Ive woken up right before every single time for the last 6 months is there some reason for this im just missing? Seems so strange




  1. May be telepathy. Here's a link about the subject.

  2. That sounds so sweet.  

  3. Umm..i don't know exactly how it's called but I know the theory.Have you ever noticed what happens when your mobile phone is close to your computer's speakers,or close to the tv(i mean VERY close) and right before someone calls/you call someone the speakers/the tv makes a sound.You might have some kind of "special strong hearing" and you catch radiowaves(or whatever they're called)

    That might just be it

  4.   sounds like youre getting in to a cycle ...

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