
I am 10 days late on my period and its been a little over a month since I've had s.e.x. What is wrong with me?

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I am 10 days late now and I was suppose to hey my period on the 20th of august.. its been over a month now since my bf and I had PROTECTED s.e.x. with a condom. My bf and I noticed after he pulled out that there was fluid around his shaft when we took the condom off.. could I have been extremely wet that my fluids seemed through? I checked for rips of breakage and NOTHING. I clearly saw his c.u.m at the bottom of the condom where it is suppose to be.. now I am 10 days late on my period and have been stressing since this had happen.. I'm scared and worried. I'm only 18 and definately not ready for a kid. I also heard flying in an airplane also effects menstral cycles.. is that true? and why is my period so late??!?! please help me.. its stressing me out badly..




  1. take a pregnancy test first, then wait for the results it might be a little early though. still take it any way if its negative wait 2 more weeks, the stress can also effect your period and may delay it so take it easy. it always good to go to the doc.  good luck

  2. Please go and get a test to set your mind at rest. It sounds unlikely you are pregnant but best to be sure - the longer you leave it the harder it will make everything. The earlier you know the quicker you can make a decision as to what to do. I hope you get  a negative result and can relax.

  3. If you dont want this to happen again the best way is to prevent having s*x before married, once you do have s*x again you will have stress again but if you are married u dont get any stress.  Please wait

  4. When sperm is difuse within the ovum, the menstrual cycle will stop for a while. The difusion will turn into zygote and implanted in your uterus. I think there was 80-90% you will have a baby. I try my best to give a best answer. Please give me 10 points so I can reached my next level. Your kindness will be appreciated. More detailed information, You can IM me or just e-mail me.

  5. I don't think flying in an airplane affects menstral cycles. However, changing your sleep schedule or changing up your routine (or even stress) could have thrown your body out of wack and so that might be why you are late.

    My advice - if you are worried, take a home test and find out once and for all. Condoms are usually fairly good with preventing pregnancy, but like all birth control methods (except abstinence) they aren't 100%.

    Good luck!

  6. try not to stress coz that can prevent you having your period....i reckon you should just get a cheap HPT just to make sure but it doesnt sound like you are... and i dont think flying changes your body... good luck

  7. It can be late because of the stress. And condoms aren't the best thin, they don't provide 100% protection.

  8. go out and get a test stop stressing and stress can bee the cos of this

  9. DONT STRESS.. your not pregnant.. your just having an off cycle due to your STRESS.. go have a few drinks and calm down and they'll turn up in the morning..  

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