
I am 10 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I am scared with all the things that I am reading online.?

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There are so many things about what you can and can not eat and geting enought folic acid etc. I have been very sick with morning sickness until this past week when it finally started to get better. My eating habits have not been that great these first couple of weeks because i have been eating whatever i felt i could hold down. I have a prenatal vitamin that you take 3 times a day but have been taking 1 a day because i have been throwing it all up. I am terrified because everywhere i read its saying you will complications with your child if you dont get enought folic acid and if you eat things such as blue cheese which i had today for the second time sine i have been pregnant. This is my first pregnancy and I am so scared of messing up and having already messed up during the most crucial first weeks since i have been sick and well didnt find out i was pregnant till 6 weeks. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!




  1. until i was about 11 weeks i lived off pizza and water. i couldnt eat anything else. so as long as your taking your prenatals you'll be fine dont worry.

    eat and then take a prenatal and you wont throw it up. dont take them on an empty stomach

  2. Honestly, the internet is out there just to scare people, I truley mean that. I have an anxiety disorder so if I hear something bad I automatically assume the worse. Here in about 2 weeks they will take blood from you if they havent already. They will then tell you what you need more of and what you are doing a great job at. Before women knew what was good and what wasnt for the baby they were still eating all the same foods that they did when they weren't pregnant so I would say you are okay. Besides your prenatal should have folic acid in it. Your baby will take what it needs and so don't worry you shouldn't have any complications. Those are probably rare odds. And honestly eating what you can keep down those weeks you have morning sickness is all you can do. At least you are eating and the nutrients are going to your baby, right? I couldn't keep much down either and didn't have a very nutritious diet either, it was chicken noodle soup, pizza and other things that seemed easy on my stomach. Don't fret though you will be fine!! :):). I wish you the best with your pregnancy

  3. Don't read anything on the internet.  Not that some of the information is untrue... just that there is too much information.

    Millions of women have perfectly healthy babies and they don't follow all the rules.  Your baby is fine.

  4. When I was pregnant with my first child, I had a lot of trouble with prenatal vitamins too. Luckily with my second child, my doctor prescribed me Premesis, which is a prenatal vitamin that is really good for morning sickness but contains a lot of folic acid for the baby. It really worked for me and maybe your doctor could prescribe you the same thing? (I think it is made by KV Pharmaceutical)

    Also, as far as worrying about things that you are eating, as long as you are not eating raw fish or unpasteurized milk, (unlikely) I wouldn't worry too much about your diet. During the first trimester, it is often difficult to stick to a specific diet because of the morning sickness. I would just try to eat as nutritiously as possible, avoid fast foods, and take care of yourself. As long as the baby is growing normally and you are doing your best, things will be ok.

    But please ask about those vitamins- they really helped! And good luck to you! :)

  5. It is so scary being pregnant the first time, I remember it well. I also was very scared because I didn't know I was pregnant until like 6 weeks, and I had been drinking and swimming in a hot tub! A lot of women experience morning sickness early on and throw up just as you are. All you can do is your best to take your vitamins as prescribed, if you think you need something to help with the nausea you can put a call into your doctor.

    I remember when then do all the tests to look for things like downs syndrome and spinal bifida, and I tested positive for spinal b, looking it up line and freaking out over a period of a weekend, for no reason, because no one ever told me there were false positives for these tests. I think the worse thing you can do to yourself is look things up on line. Try to stick with your doctor, if you have any questions just call, that is what they are there for, and I am sure they have felt with first time mothers before.

    Try to relax just a little, make sure your getting plenty of water, and rest, and remember most women go through the same things your feeling during their first pregnancies.

    If you need anything you can always email me.

  6. It's great that you want to try your best for the baby and abstain from things they say not to have, but honestly, women have been eating them for years without having any issues.  Same thing goes for prenatals.  I've heard the folic acid is most helpful in the months before conceiving.  In the beginning, my brain was mush and I sometimes forgot my vitamins.  My baby has been 100% healthy the whole time.  While I wouldn't knowingly eat/drink something I'm not supposed to, I've done it unknowingly a number of times and it has had no effect on my pregnancy.  My mom had six perfectly healthy kids eating junk food, deli meat, non-pasteurized cheeses, drinking tons of caffeine.  Babies are pretty resilient, so you don't need to worry so much.  Just do your best and trust your baby to do the rest.

  7. I never listened to any of the things about not eating certain things and my baby is perfectly fine :) I used to love sushi and did give that up just because its raw. I still eat feta cheese, blue cheese, tuna.......just in moderation :) Goodluck!

  8. You need to not read into what the internet so much. You will hear all sorts of things that are not true or what happened to others. You need to listen to your gut instincts. ANd or buy the What to expect when expecting.  I am 16 weeks pregnant and I learned the hard way. You stress yourself out by reading into things too much.

  9. You are really overreacting. Relax.You and baby will be fine, just dont stress yourself out.

  10. don't listen to any of those things. listen to ur heart and ur doctor.

  11. You sound kinda like me :)  That is about when I found out and I'm so sick but I'm only 9weeks today.  I tried taking the prenatal but it seemed to make it worse so I stopped taking it.  I also tried taking folic acid but I haven't done that every day either.

    Try not to worry too much and be sure to get to the doctor soon to check and make sure everything is going alright.  

    I have talked to a lot of women who said they threw up the whole nine months, boy I hope we aren't like them.

    I don't know about blue cheese being that bad but stay away from fish.  You can't believe everything on the internet.  I'm going to go to the library and get me some books to learn more about pregnancy.

    If you can, ask your mom or other close female relatives what they went through.  It helps to know you aren't the only one that is sick and worried.

    Just be sure to get in to see a doctor and just be thankful you can keep a little food down no matter if it isn't the healthiest.  Good luck and I hope you get to feeling better~~~~~

  12. It can be very overwhelming.  Stick with what your doctor/midwife tells you.  All the stress of worrying can't be good for you or the baby.  All in all, there aren't many things that will harm the baby, especially when taken in moderation.  

  13. Don't worry so much:) i promise that will do more harm to your baby than anything you've done this far.  You would be surprised how much and how fast a baby gets nurishment from the food you eat.  Try finding a prenatal that you only have to take once or twice a day.  take it with juice.  This does help.  The baby gets what it needs from you, the prenatal is for you to replace all the baby is taking from you.  There are foods you should avoid due to bacteria etc..

    Blu cheese is one of them also feta cheese, meat should be well done too.  Don't worry about what you've ate just try to refrain from them now.  Since you've been sick a lot, you know baby is just fine because your hormones have been increasing.  Don't worry that the sickness has stopped because it will taper off for many woman around the same time as you have.

    many woman don't find out their pregnant until 6 weeks or after and have very healthy babies:)

  14. dont worry and quit reading stuff online! my son got a rash one time and i read all this stuff online and i was sure he was going to die soon! worrying is not good for you or your baby. just relax and think good thoughts, go see a movie or do something fun to take your mind off of it!

  15. You need to calm down, stressing about all these things isn't good for the baby either. The risk of any of the things you're reading about isn't very high and so many people eat blue cheese, don't take vitamins, even lose weight at first from morning sickness. That's not to say you shouldn't do your best, but seriously, the stress of worry is worse than you think. My parents generation didn't take vitamins and all smoked. We learned from them, but the odds were still good that their babies would turn out fine. Getting good prenatal care, eating right when able and not doing bad things like smoking and drinking are going to be the most helpful to your baby. I'm pregnant with twins, have recurrent pancreatitis, colitis and gestational diabetes. I lost weight at first and haven't been able to gain as much as I should so far, but I'm not going to worry about it as I'm doing the best I can. My babies are doing well. I go to my doctor's appts, test my blood sugar, follow a strict (albeit totally boring and cardboard tasting) diet and don't over do it. Pregnancy hormones might also be making you stress more, that happens. Try to learn some relaxation techniques like deep breathing, yoga, biofeedback. You can help your baby a lot that way. Good luck.

  16. I know how you feel.. I went through the same thing in my first three months. I lost 12 pounds because of nausea although I never threw up.. I didn't show until a few weeks ago and when I was as far along as you, people kept telling me that I wasn't really pregnant and my baby might be dead inside me. It couldn't get any worse than that. Comments like those left me depressed every single day, but my partner was really supportive and he comforted me whenever things started making me panic. I also read plenty of things that can cause paranoia on the net. So if you land on things like that, just stop reading it right then and there and switch to something else. Stress can affect your baby so please don't worry too much. I'm sure everything is fine. When you reach your 14th week and you hear your baby's heartbeat, things will get better. Trust me.. I felt very relieved when I heard his heartbeat through the Doppler. :) Good luck!!

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