
I am 12.. Wicket - Keeper /Batsman.?

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I was picked for County last year but this year they turned me down. They said my Wicker - Keeping was great, but my batting has been slightly down. My last 5 matches my Average was 13. For my age that seems quite good. I have made 1 Fifty and ended up with 78 in a 40 over match and I batted for about 25 batting number 4. Why did they turn me down?




  1. 78 in 135 deliveries is a bit slow in a 40 over match. As a batsman myself, let me give you some advice. Try improving your batting. You need more aggression in the shorter version of the game. You might want to improve your average since at number 4, it is quite un-acceptable. The main reason is your run-rate = 3.46 (quite poor)  

  2. Try and up your average to 28 and 78 isn't bad for a 4th batter but u need to keep getting in the 30s at least and faster dont give up u can do it mate show them that u are fast at scoring runs and great at wicket adam gilchrist was u need not to be an average player u need excitement aswell make them go wow this guy is good then u will get picked for sure.....  

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