
I am 12 weeks pregnant, and im soooooooo tired all the time? The only thing that keeps me awake is coffee.?

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I never drink coffee but if i have one cup of coffee a day, im energetic an di can funstion since i have a little 9 month old. Is is bad, i heard coffee is bad, but can i drink it atleast once a day or what other things can get me up and ready or else i get so tired i cant even cook, clean, or get up to do nething.




  1. Drinking one cup of coffee a day is fine, you're not going to harm the baby with that. I drank one cup of coffee a day right up until I was 36 weeks, I only stopped then because I didnt need it once I went on maternity leave...

  2. You need to talk with your doctor.  It sounds like you're anemic.

  3. You are 12 weeks pregnant so of course you are going to feel tired. I felt this way up until about 15 weeks or so...i would sleep between 14-16 hrs every day and if you have a 9 month old on top of that i can only imagine girl! One or two cups of coffee a day are fine. I asked my doctor about it while I was pregnant and he said I could have two cups of coffee a day but not to exceed it. This is your 2nd pregnancy so im sure you know that the sleepiness will get better. Do you have a spouse or someone that can help you out w/ your  month old...maybe get up with them at least twice a week, that way you dont have to worry about it and you can just sleeeeeep? HAng in there. I dont know if I could do it with a 9 month old too! I have a 9 month old now.....ahhhhh lol good luck girl!

  4. one or two cups wont hurt  .its normal to be tired when you are pregnant and with a small baby...try to get some help now and then so you can rest during the day...

  5. I dont no if this helps, but i herd eating an apple instead of coffe is better to wake you up in the morning. =]

  6. I don't see anything wrong with a cup of coffee or soft drink.  I would go for the de-caf if possible.  I have three kids.  But I felt exactly how you feel when I was carrying my girl.  Since you have a 9 month old, you were already sleep deprived before you got started!  You should start to feel more energetic during the next month.  It sound like you need some extra help for awhile.  

  7. The experts say 200-300 mg a day is OK. Thats about the amount in one-two cups of coffee, depending on the strength, so you should be OK. Just don't exceed that.

  8. The best thing you could do is talk to your doctor about this issue.

    There are many reasons why you could feel malaise or fatigue while pregnant. Proper diet and exercise (as cliche as it sounds) is the best way to stay awake and alert.

    There are also some sleep disorders that could be affecting your alertness. Pregnancy-induced obstructive sleep apnea can happen to you if you have excess tissue collapsing into your airway. Once you have your baby, your body adjusts and you don't have apnea anymore. It depends on how much weight you gain and can be easily treated. Just talk to your doctor.

    How much sleep you get a night can affect your wakefulness too. Are you devoting 7 to 8 hours to sleep? If not, it can cause excessive daytime sleepiness. Do you try to sleep but your toddler wakes you up? Try to get your partner or a relative to help you get a break so you can get some sleep. (Easier said than done, I know)

    And finally, the coffee issue. Ask your doctor how much coffee he/she thinks would be safe for you to drink. Many things have caffeine such as coffee, soft-drinks, pain medication, tea, chocolate, etc. If you're drinking coffee and getting 300mg of caffeine then you drink some tea with your Ben and Jerry's ice cream, you could easily have 400 to 500mg of caffeine a day.

    Caffeine is a stimulant and can increase your heartrate or give you the jitter's. If taken responsibly and with your doctors blessing, Caffine can help you stay alert and not hurt your baby.

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