
I am 13. Am i too old to buy a regular scooter?

by  |  earlier

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the original ones not the electric scooters




  1. no your not to old to ride a scooter

  2. no

  3. i love scooters and I;m your age. They're wicked fun and i ride them every now and then. They are a fast way to get around.

  4. no way! those things are are blast in fact I'm about to turn seventeen and I love them!

  5. i dont think so i wud still buy 1 n im 14 ...except i recently bot a skateboard

  6. If it fits you, than it is MADE for you. Just make sure it's your size and have fun. :)

  7. well you can buy a scooter if you know that noone will tease you but if you think people will tease you then dont buy it.however it is always best to follow what you and you heart desires

  8. No, since when are you too old to have fun? never so i say go ahead!

  9. u dont have a electrıc scooter?u r so how u say.........dum?

  10. no  if you want to ride a regular scooter go ahead its not like you asking if your to old for training wheels your asking about using a scooter a lot of people use go and have a good time.

  11. Psh no! I love scooters and I'm 12!! Go for it!

  12. well no cause i awalys see 17 and 18 year olds riding on a original scooters!

  13. If you will enjoy it than no you are not to old for it. Enjoy!

  14. No way! anyone can have fun with regular scooters! My 38 year old dad still likes scooters! go buy one! You will have soooo much fun!

  15. na u can buy it at any age

  16. Nahh. :]

    My friend is 14 and he loves to zoom around on his scooter. :P

    Haha, if you want to then go ahead. :]

    Have fun!

  17. go buy one. "what the heck if you want it just go buy it", this is what mom tells me.

  18. no you are not to old  if you like them mak shure its sturdy enough for your size

  19. Dude, scooters rock!

  20. I'm better than you.

  21. why not? lol if it makes you happy then go buy one and enjoy

  22. if you think like that you have an inferiority complex, go get it.

  23. you're never too old to have fun

  24. I'd say not. You would just have to make sure its your size and the handle bars can go up high enough for you.

    No one is really to old for a scooter. (:

  25. Well, riding a scooter is just like riding a bike. Anyone can ride a bike, so that means YOU still can ride on a scooter. Totally normal.

  26. i say if it makes you happy go out and buy it. no ones too old to have fun!

  27. I have seen college students on scooters so you are definitely not "too old". Have fun!

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