
I am 13 and I still havn't started my period, is that good?

by  |  earlier

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Most of the other girls at my school have started, but me...




  1. It's normal. I started at 12, my best friend started at 10, and another friend didn't start til 16. Every girl is different.

  2. Don't worry until you turn 18 and you don't have your period!!  everyone starts their period when they are ready! and be happy you haven't had it yet, it can be a drag sometimes!!

  3. Perfectly normal. You will probably get it soon, enjoy the time that you don't get it! It's terrible.

  4. why is this in ttc

  5. enjoy it.  

  6. it's neither good or bad, people develop differently, i actually didn't start my period til i was 15

  7. dont worry about it, you work at your own pace.

    every girl is different!

    chill, and enjoy not having it.

    it sucks!!!

  8. Some girls get there period later than others don't worry be glade you don't have it yet.  It can be such a pain tracking so that you are prepared for it so you don't have any accidents.  But there is nothing worng some girls I knew did not get thiers till they 14 or so.  It will happen when it's time.

  9. every girl is different. Dont worry about it. I hated having it cause I felt like c**p 1 week out of the month.

  10. i didnt start til my freshman year in high school......i was almost me once u get it u wont want it anymore......this just means your body hasnt matured

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