
I am 13 and don't know what 2 charge for babysitting. What should my rate be?

by  |  earlier

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On one website the "rate calculator" said that my rate should be $9.25, but I don't know if that's appropriate. I live in Southern California in a nice community of new homes. All the kids I sit for live on my street.




  1. I would say $8.00 if your new at this.  $10.00 if your in a wealthy part of town.

  2. $6-10/hour...find out what minimum wages are where you live and go from there...

  3. 6 to 7 dollars an hour

  4. it depends if there are many other babysitters in the neighborhood but i think even if there isnt it should be a little less like 6-8$ an hour

  5. 100$

    For 6 hrs.

  6. $9-$10 an hour is what sitters charge here in the NY city suburbs but that's for older sitters.  That calculator is basing rates on sitters 17 and older.  At your age..I would say $6 an hour

  7. I pay my sitter $8/hour to watch both of my kids, $6 if it's only one of them.

  8. WHAT 9.25 thats bellow minimum wage!!!... well in San Francisco so idk about minimum wage where you live

  9. i would charge 5 dollers an hour

  10. Well that depends on how good u are and how Meany u watching and how old they are but $5 an hour is reasonable in most cases.

  11. 5-10 bucks an hour

  12. ummm i'd do about $5.00 an the way i'm 13 also.

  13. $10 for the first hour and $5 for the hours that folow

  14. I'd say $2.00 per hour should be fine.

  15. do around 9.25

  16. depends on how long u babysit them and how old the kids are. I'd probably say around 7 bucks at the most.

  17. california is expensive state to live in charge 10

  18. i think 9.25 is a good price for a 13 year old

  19. My sitter charges 15.00 per day

  20. if you're new at babysitting start at $8-9 per hour. you can say "usually $8-10 per hour, whichever you feel more comfortable with." that way they sort of get a say..

  21. I'm 13 and I babysit, too. $9.25 sounds good!

  22. Zero as you are far to young to baby sit being only a child yourself. Anyone who would leave their child with another is culpable of gross stupidity

  23. That's pretty close to the normal rate. I'd say like $10 and hour.

  24. I charge $6.00 an hour for one kid, $7.00 an hour for two, $8.00 an hour for three and I won't babysit four.

    You are only 13, so $9.25 isn't a reasonable rate.

  25. Wow, that seems high. I think they are calculating for an adult who is providing in-home, long-term, full time care.

    I say $5 an hour unless you're caring for infants (and I doubt that, you're too young).

  26. woah, i would charge like 3.50 per hour per kid

  27. I say it should be diffferent for each person. start with like $6 an hour. but if the family does not seam to have alot of money charge like $4 and hour. If someone is asking you all the time to babysit charge the $9.

    Hope I helped

  28. you should start with $7.00 per kid and hour

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