
I am 13 and i want to train for track. is there a training program for mile on a treadmill?

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I run a 5:45 mile




  1. Honestly, even if your race isn't exactly on the road.. you benefit most from your training if you're running a park (especially off of pavement) but somewhere where you have both down hills and uphills and's much more fun than on a treadmill.

    but anyways. If you do stick to the treadmill. It is suggested to be at around 1.5% inclination to best stimulate outdoors running.

    What's good about tredmill running is that you can do picks-ups and you know, once or twice a week toss in a 6X 30-90 second pickups. Make sure you get variety in your training.

    Actually, the best thing you can do... because even though the mile is short- you still have to train long. So just join your cross-country team. Really that's the best thing you can do for yourself.

    A 5:45 mile is solid. Especially for your age. But by the time you get to highschool, if you keep working like you are..You can be up there with the best. And they're running anywhere between.. 4:30- 5:05 for my school's division. Well, the best are always sub 5.

    goodluck! you'll be great.

  2. OK let me just said that a treadmill is not like been on the track, first you set the pace and have to keep up with the pace which could be a little bit of danger if you don't have enough experience depending on the treadmill some of them have set program to help you achieve your goal, also incline will help you feel like on the track, be very careful while trying to get the same speed as the track use the safety stop on the machine in case of accident it will stop, gradually adjust speed until you get your goal have an adult with you until you dominate the treadmill. good luck

  3. Hey running is so much more than running on a treadmill.

    Get outside, run around a park, golf course or on a trail it is much more enjoyable and will strengthen up your legs more than a treadmill.

    That is a pretty reasonable time by the way, so it is worth you doing some training. Here is something fairly basic for starters.

    Mon  5 minutes fast/5 min slow x 2-3 times @ mile pace

    Tues   easy run 10 - 30 minutes

    Wed   Run on hills/trails working up any hill sections or for a more structured session 5min. jog/ 10min fastish (say 2 mile pace)/ 5min. jog

    Thur   As for tues

    Fri  rest

    Sat  Race effort mile @ 85sec lap

    Sun   rest or run as for Tues

    Time on your feet is always important when you are young, and where good running shoes.

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