
I am 13 and me and my boyfriend have been dating now for almost 11 months now...

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and we dont know if we should have s*x or not i mean we are protected and everything and i really do like him alot like alot alot.

so what do we do?




  1. you two should talk about it. i mean even with protection there is a chance of pregnancy or stds

    two you don't need to have s*x to show love.

    " you can love without s*x and have s*x without love"

    think about why you want to do it. is is for you or him.

    do more research at:

    statics say that those with had s*x at your age tend to regret it.

    you can e-mail anytime with questions at:

  2. A lot of people have different opinions, but I say wait.  And if he can't or won't, he isn't worth it.  Read a Bible verse or two.  You should save s*x for marriage.  It will be so much better.  13 is too young anyway.

  3. Please wait a little longer for your safety due to your age. (Babies can happen) Being so young a couple can be careless and Opps! A baby will be on the way. I promise you this. Wait until you're a little older and you will have all kinds of time for s*x. The best is yet to come.

  4. You will regret that moment for the rest of your life, ESPECIALLY if you and him do not end up together.. because your next partner will never know. but even if you like him ALOT ALOT like you said. u shouldn't cause you will both end up regreting it. This answer is from past experiences and i just want to save another person from doing what happened to me, and i think u should just tell him that you think you guys should wait because you are ONLY 13... thats really young, and plus anything can happen, even if u have protection, you could still end up pregnant. and you definitely would not want a child at 13. they are a lot to take care of. So i hope i could help.

  5. I know you feel like your feelings are strong, but you need to trust some of the older folks on here, and by older i mean anyone who is even 18 and up. I'm 23, so don't think i'm just someone else's parent telling someone else's kid not to do it.

    There is a lot more to having s*x then you know right now, and like a lot of people on here have already said from personal experience or from people they know, there's a really good chance you'll regret it down the road.

    Holding off until you feel old enough to deal with the things that can result from having it, something like pregnancy, will make you a stronger person. Trust me, there is no rush.

  6. NO!! 13 is not old enough to be making these kind of decisions. it's not even old enough to date! wait until you're out of school. or  better yet wait until you get married and decide to have kids because if you do it now at such a naive age you probably will get pregnant.

  7. 13 is really too young, and if you're asking here it sounds like you aren't ready. I mean, you could be ready with protection, birth control, etc. But not really mentally. :)) I suggested you wait a little more, it'll be worth it

  8. Congratulations on your 11 months. In my opinion, you both seem young, but if you are ready and comfortable, I guess I would go for it. Just be safe and good luck with the decision you make.

  9. some ppl really want to have s*x, but they wait.

    there are consequences.

    u may break up with the guy & marry another one.

    then the guy u marry may not think u love him cause u didnt wait for him.

    plus...even with a condom...they dont always work & u could still get pregnant.

    & with s*x, ccomes alot of hurt feelings.

    just enjoy life now. dont worry bout s*x.

  10. No! girl dont lose your virginity because of that reason!!!!!

    U should lose ur virginity to someone you know u would like to spend the rest of your life with!!!

    But if you'd ask me, i'd say your too young!!!!!

    I don't know if your religious, but if your a christian, god preferrs you to wait ti'll you are married!!!

    But No, u shouldn't~

    And if u tell him your not ready for it and he still pressures you to doing it that means he doesn't love you in the first place because if he loves you he'll respect your wishes and he wouldn't want you just ta boom bam boom boom!! LOL

    But that's what I say, I Hope ya'll relationship works out because I beleive in long relationships so I'll Pray For u!


  11. virginity is a very special gift. u r very young yet. s*x should be given as a gift to your husband one day. like i said virginity is a very special thing and u should wait and give it to the one person you want to spend the rest of your life with!

  12. No, Wait, Yes I'm Protected Blah, Blah, Blah, Some Stuff Can Go Wrong, Like, Protection Can Break, And Birth Control Can effect If You want to have a child later in life!

    Also, Its Illegal and Your Too young To Handle The Pressure For Caring For A Child, And Holding A Relationship.

    Belive Me, Relation Ships Dont Last In teen years. And If You Have A Child, no sercure parenting, result in stress, and pressure.

  13. You guys are too young to even be dating...if your asking this then you are not ready. Do not do it..if your a virgin save it cuz its something so special and you will meet so much more people...PLEASE DO NOT DO IT!!! :) you are still a baby. you should be hanging out with girls and going to the mall shopping getting mani-pedi's going to the movies bowling but any thing but that.

  14. all i can say is that have fun if your gonna do it just stay protected.  or you can go out to see a movie or go to the beach or do something that leads into s*x if you want.

  15. Honestly, I think you're too young to be thinking about s*x.  There is so much that could go wrong - I don't think you should risk it.  Lots of people will tell you to wait until marriage.... personally I didn't wait until marriage, but I wish I had.  I know it's a decision that everyone has to make for themselves, but I really think that 13 is too young to be having s*x.  Even if you think you two are mature enough and in love, I think it's too young.

  16. Hi ^_^ Im 14 years old.I have dated my ex for about 2 years and did not have s*x. To be honest it's not worth it..your body is a pure temple from God and you dont wanna ruin it at such a  young age. I've chosen to have s*x after marrige. Im not going to TELL you what to do and make you NOT have s*x but im encourging you to wait till you get a little bit older and then see what you really want.I wanted too have s*x with my ex but thank God i didnt because he cheated on me and it was not worth it. Good luck. Do what your heart tells you!  

  17. I know it is tempting after such a long time together but don't do it. s*x totally changes a relationship and you will certainly regret it later. You will have many,many more loves in your life, even if you are sure that he is the one right now. There are plenty of physical things you can do together without intercourse that will please you both.

  18. u should wait u r not responsible enought to be a mommy.  Did u watch Baby Borrowers?  They were of age 18 and 19 and they said they didnt want 2 have kids at there age.  Anytime u have s*x it is possible 2 be pregnant!!!

  19. I'd wait another couple years to have s*x,  who knows you might break up next week after you surrender your virginity to him.  That would be SO dumb.  You would hate yourself the rest of your life for NOT waiting for that special guy.  

    And IF this guy that guy then he will wait.  

  20. You dont just have s*x with someone because you like them a lot, you are suppose to love the person that you have s*x with.  If you like each other like you say then you can wait until you are a bit older.  I commend you for at least thinking about protecting yourself.

  21. i think you should wait..

    you guys are really young and your hormones are running like crazy i know you guys really love eachother but sometimes its just young love

    you should wait some time and if you guys are still together for awhile then you should do whats right but for right now i think it would be better to wait

    i dont think you would know what to do if something goes wrong

  22. Nope dont have s*x cause ur still too young at this age to understand what can badly go wrong even if ur still wearing protection its maybe still not enough cause a piece of ruber wont save u from pregancy or getting a std cause its not proven that a condom can protect over a STD so i'd re think this again

  23. you are too young to be think about s*x, if you decide to do have s*x use a condom, if you don't know how to use one, you don't need to be having s*x, bottom line wait until you are married. Good luck!!!

  24. What you DON'T do is have s*x. You are not ready, physically, emotionally, psychologically, financially, or in any other way. There is NO SAFE s*x (protected or not). You CAN get pregnant much easier than you think. It is NOT worth the risk. . . period. Another thing, if you do have s*x regardless, you WILL lose him. . . for good. I promise.

  25. I had s*x when I was 13, and I really regret it.  We were protected at first, but then we stopped using protection, and I ended up pregnant at 14, which is an experience I would not recommend to any girl.  Wait until you're older.

  26. Well if you're asking us this, then you probably aren't even ready to have s*x.  I'm 13 and I know that I won't be ready for a long time (until I'm married and totally in love)!  You like him a lot, but you don't love him, so I wouldn't give up my virginity to him if I were you.  Besides, you two are under the legal age limit in any state, so having s*x would be actually breaking the law!!  Think of it that way if you can please.

  27. no definitely do not do it.  first of all, it will hurt because it won't fit. you are too small and not old enough. second of all, it is really emotional and you are not mature or ready enough to handle it. you are too young.

  28. Oh my god! Listen to me, I am fourteen and me and my boyfriend had s*x when we were 13. You want to make sure that you and your boyfriend can trust each other, trust is everything in the relationship. Think about how your boyfriend treats you, like don't have s*x with him if you think that's all he cares about. also, make sure he has no stds. One more thing, do it because you both want to. Also maybe go on birth control, i am on it.

  29. If you wait, there is likely no chance you'll regret waiting.

    If you have s*x now, there is a reasonable chance you might someday regret having s*x so young.

  30. Have ear s*x like meg on family guy.

    haha, ok but really....You are only 13...That is too young to have s*x. s*x is such a beautiful thing and should not be experienced at such a young age wait until you are older, wiser and more mature....Even if you use protection...You are still doing something you can never take back once you have s*x you aren't a virgin and even if you like this guy a don't love him and even if you thought you loved him...You are just too young to have s*x. I would say wait till you are married or at least wait till you are an adult.  

  31. noooooooo dont do it,,,,your wayyyyyyyy toooo young ..your a little kid and that wont be right..thats a freaken sin!!

    dont loose your virginity! after your first time your gonna want to do it over and over again and next thing you know you might get pregnant..and trust me your a little girl your not gonna wanna have to take care of a baby....a little girl taking care of her baby..thats just wrong. and then people will think so bad of you..and you are going to regret it.

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