
I am 13 and my 16 year old sister is pregnated wat do i do?

by  |  earlier

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do you hav any advice




  1. YOU tell her to tell mom if she doesnt know yet.

  2. just be there for her!  i think thats about all you can do =]

  3. be supportive

  4. watch ''the secret life of the american teenager'', maybe ur parents will catch on.

  5. you already did it you little redneck lover

  6. Yeh, don't do what she did....

  7. you are going to need to be there with her, watch the show called a secret live of an American teenager it on ABC family on Tuesday nights at 8 or 9 its exactly want your sister is and will be going through!!! good luck

  8. be supportive!! and don't mess up like she did

  9. when I was 18 my lil sister got pregnant at the age of 16...your sister is going to feel as if the world is against her. The best thing you can do is be supportive of her, let her know that everything will be ok and to pray with her.

    ps. Please take a lesson from your sister and wait to have s*x until you know that you can fully support a baby and all their needs.

  10. all u can do is be supportive to help her get through the pregnancy

  11. Nothing.  Just be a good sister and love her.  But its really up to her and your parents to take care of it.  You're a kid, and you don't need to worry about it.

  12. learn from her situation and don't have s*x until you're prepared to handle being a mommy. birthcontrol fails and condoms break. think long and hard about it before you have s*x.


    i don't have anything against premarital s*x as long as the people involved understand the possible consequences and are ready, prepared and able to deal with them.

  13. just be supportive of her, help her out with things...

  14. help her out with her situation.  dont knock her for doing what she did.  explain to her she made a mistake but b polite and sweet about it.

  15. tell your parents if they don't know. learn from her mistakes.

    you can love without s*x and you can have s*x without love

  16. You should help her out and be as supportive as you can. Try to learn from your sisters mistakes that kids are something that you should wait for. If she hasn't told your parents yet you should try to talk to her about it so that she is not so afraid to approach them. Just enjoy being an Aunt and wait for motherhood

  17. make sure you're always there for her. she's going to need support & someone to talk to. if she needs you to do anything for her, do it. help her out as much as possible.


  18. you might want to tell your parents for the health of your sister and her baby...get her into the doctor right away to make sure shes really pregnant and set up appointments with her can hide it from your parents if all these things can be done without them knowing but if they cant you guys need to tell them so no harm comes to the baby or your sister...and start getting ready for the baby to come buy saving money so she and the father of the baby can support having a baby..tell her to get a job and the father needs to get a job so they can have as much money as possible when the baby comes...cut out unnessiserry things like buying new things they dont need and buy baby things instead

  19. wow she's a grown up now huh

    well try helping her at stuff, don't let her go by herself while she's working. That will give her aches and pain.

    don't make her suffer from stress because thats not healthy for the baby.

  20. Whatever you do .... don't do what your sister did. Getting pregnant as a teenager is extremely difficult financially and physically. You have not finished school and now you will become a mother ???? Don't do it.

  21. hi you should help her because shes your big sister

    just support her

    and her parents should be told calmly

    and she, needs to concider what to do with this baby


    p.s abortion is MuRdEr!!!!!!!!!

  22. Be there 4 her & remember what she went through so you don't do the same.

  23. Be supportive, help her tel your parents and the babies father and prepare to be an aunty.

  24. tell her to get rid of it

  25. Congrats Aunt!(Maybe)

    Support your little baby niece.

  26. im 16 and just had a bby 2 mnths ago so the first thing that i wanted my brothers and little sister to do was to be supportive and help me with the pains of my bby growing inside me..... i wanted them to not hate my boyfriend for getting me pregnant and i wanted to be loved and wanted them not to talk about how young or stuppid i was....

    hey and if your sistre has these crazy mood swings and like says things to put you down or whatever dont take it to heart its just the whole deal of the pregnacy thing


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