
I am 13 year old boy 5 ft 4 and is wondering wen i will hit a growth spurt?

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I am 13 year old boy 5 ft 4 and is wondering wen i will hit a growth spurt?




  1. all the boys in my grade hit thier growth spurt around 15-16 years old

  2. My husband didn't stop growing until he was 25, my Dad said he was 23... you've got a long way to go hon.  No worries!  (But you will probably be a lot taller at 16 than you are now too.)

  3. Usually when puberty occurs.

  4. i will *** just cause u r wourding

  5. in a year or 2 .. but ur max height will be like 5'7 5'8 or 5'9

  6. why is this is the amusment park section?

  7. Well, to me 5'4 seems pretty tall for a 13 year old boy. Considering I am a 20 year old girl who is 5'

  8. Not yet, but you will get it so don't worry.

    It could happen tomorrow or in a couple of years time. Don't worry about it too much.

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