
I am 13 years old and I want to become an actress, how can I do that?

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My name is Erika Hamilton and I am 13 years old and I want to become an actress, how can I achieve that?




  1. start out by taking drama classes in middle and high school and then try talent searches and agencies until you get small jobs and then move to LA and go to castings and if your good you;ll get cast

  2. This question is asked and answered hundreds of times a week on this site.  Check the archives.  Do not list your age on line.  That is NOT a good idea.  Join community theater, try out for plays.  Join school drama club in high school and try out for plays there. At 13, your main job is to get your education.

  3. well i went to proscout and I'm 13 and want to act...and i made it through the first auditions and now I'm going to Phoenix ,Arizona!!!!!!

  4. Ok, I suggest that you search actress in yahoo answers as there are sooo many similar questions from girls like yourself and the majority of them will tell you the same thing.

    Ok firstly you need your parents behinde you as you are 13 they have to go with you to any auditions with and they will also become your bank account as I refer to mine as that sound mean I know but they end up paying for everything. I suggest that you look for classes at local theatres or join in with any drama socities at school and take part in shows and just keep your eyes and ears open and just pay attention all time and keep taking notes and pay attention to direction given to other people and apply it.

    Also read there are some great selection of books on amazon that are worth reading it may take you time to understand some of them as specially the books writtern by Stainislavski himself are hard to follow however Uta Hagen 's book respect for acting is really good but I suggest you read some books aimed a teenagers first as that book is more aimed at adults and get some experience from school or local productions and just try and apply what you have read. and if you see any open casting calls and you think that you are suitable then go for them as you can only learn form your mistakes but these are some really important things to remember:

    1) have confidence in yourself

    2) don't be afraid to make mistakes by that I mean interpreting a character wrong or saying a line wrong.

    3) don't worry what others thinks as other actors can be really bitchy just concentrate on your performance and go on what the director says yet support the other actors by knowing your cues and learning your line DLP (dead letter perfect) and don't direct them let the director do that.

    Once you have some credits then look in to getting some head shots and a showreel which is a DVD which has about 5 mins worth of footage on it of stuff that you have done just to show the casting directors and agents your style of acting and characters that you are capable of playing. Then write off to agents but it is a really hard career path so you may not hear back from any one them my total mail out cost £300 that was with headshots, paper, envelopes and stamps and I sent my CV and haedshot out to about 60/70 agents and I got 3 interviews and one took me on.

    There are soo many young people who want to follow this career path that casting directors and agents can afford to be fussy really fussy about who they take on and they generally don't take on two people who look the same or with the same casting age bracket. Which also means paid work is hard to come by as well and most actors in england earn less then £10,000 which if you Live in London in not enough to live on which means they also have another part time job I do not want to discourage you but I feel if I am giving you tips and helping you out I should also tell you the downside and you seem to have your head screwed on properly as you don't think that you will be discovered and it sound like you are willing to work hard so good luck!

    Ok I know that was a lot to take in but I hope it helps! L xox

  5. Get involved with school plays/musicals to start with! Then, take acting classes. It boosts your confidence and looks great on a resume. Then get some really great headshots, and send them out to talent agents. Here is a list of casting calls and agents ...



  7. is there a organization in your school for acting? if not ask your mom if you could be in an acting class! as soon as you ace the class go to an agent!!!! fell free to email me for more information!!

  8. well i am an actreess.. and a couple of years ago that's what i was asking my self. but first if i were you i would ask your parents to call a nearby acting company. there are many companies out there and it's very simple after you get accepted into the agency. but if you really want to be known and popular like a star i would take acting classes. so good luck & i hope this helps!  =]

  9. I agree with 'rightasrain' in regards to posting your age.

    My answer to you is that you act everyday, probably. Whether it's telling a lie about something you don't want to get in trouble for or putting off a person you don't feel like dealing with at that particular moment. There is no one or two or three things you can do to become a famous actress as you see on TV or in the movies or online. No time period. Just because you pay your dues for years and years doesn't guarantee anything. That's mostly luck and talent.

    everyone of the replies I've seen (with one exception) is correct as far as being an actress. Begin locally. Watch others. Read books. Research. As you get older, I;d also decide one or two OTHER things you like to do, get 4 year degrees from a college or university WHILE you're honing your acting skills.

    In the coming years, you're gonna be presented with TONS of stuff and situations. No doubt some you won't believe you can get through, but you will. You will go through many changes and things you like right now you may NOT want to do when you get older. For example, you used to play with baby toys- you don't know, do you? No, you got older and for whatever reason, those baby toys are pretty lame. But at the time, they were SO fun and SO cool!

    Good luck! And stay away from internet people you don't know who want to meet you in person or want to call you.

  10. Get involves in any community theater that might be going on,

    when you have some experience under your belt,

    make up a resume and get a head shot

    then send it off to some agencies.

    Look into taking some acting classes

    and anything else that might look good on your resume

    ie: Voice lessons, karate lesson, certain acting workshops

    (basically anything that you could help you be a character in a movie)

    getting yourself involved in any theater bussiness right now should be your first priority.

  11. go to and for any info u neeed for agenns go to the talent site click table of contents and click city nearest u n search around and u will learn alot but always remember a real agency is free they only get 10-20% of ur income!

  12. practise. practise, practise. go sit in a coffeeshop. watch people. try out different characters, you must have selfconfidence. don't be afraid to make a fool of yourself. You will have to sometime. join an acting club. take acting lesson. don't be afraid to work hard. start small and then go bigger. keep being realistic. put your heart in everything you do. keep your head up and go for it!!!

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