
I am 13 years old and pregnant, can some one please help me!?

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i am 13 years old, and I just found out that I am 9 weeks pregnant. I do not know what to do! I am going into grade 8 in September, and I don't want people to think of me as a s**t. I cannot tell my parents because the will totally ****, so can some one please give me some advice. And please don't say abortion, cos i cannot bring myself to do that.




  1. okay first of all its good ur not thinkin of abortion cuz every baby has the right to live

    but it would be best if u just tell ur parents..i know u think there gonna

    freak..but there not trust i know sumone in that conditions

    if u tell them they WILL support u no matter wat cuz ur their daughter

    u don't have to care wat other people say..things happen for a reason

    think about it

  2. You need to talk to your parents, even if they flip they need to know what is going on with you and can support you. Don't worry about what people think you are, the only thing that should matter is what you think of yourself.

  3. Hi,

    I am really concerned about you. I have found some agencies that can most likely help you out in one way or another. Planned Parenthood has been around for a long time--they can guide you.  Here are the phone numbers: Planned Parenthood

    1-800-230-PLAN  24 hour hotline will direct you to the clinic closest to you

    National Adoption Center (if you are considering giving your child up for adoption within the US)


    The Independent Adoption Center


    Also, I am not sure what state you are in. But as far as I know, eventhough, you are under age, in pregnancy type situation, the doctor you see is supposed to keep it confidential/not tell your parents without your permission.      Ask first to be certain, but I think that is the case in most states.

    Good luck and take care :)

  4. No matter what, people will think you're a s**t. I'm not being mean...that's just middle school.

    Eventually you'll have to tell your parents because you'll need lots of healthcare (especially at your age) and they're going to find out anyway. The sooner you do it, the better. They'll be mad, but they'll get over it and your mom will be very helpful. Try writing them a note sometime before you leave the house. They'll read it while you're gone and you won't get their initial reaction. Also try coming up with a responsible plan first...they'll probably be more understanding if you have an idea about what you plan to do.

    I'd definitely opt for adoption...being as you're only going to be in 8th grade, you can't take care a child right now. That's five more years of school and I feel like you could end up dropping out just to find the time and that wouldn't be good for you or your baby.

    good luck with everything, feel free to email me.

  5. ADOPTION. There are TONS of women out there that want a baby and cant have one. I have a friend named Jennifer that would love a little baby girl or boy and can't get pregnant. BUT first you have to go to the doctor and tell her. You don't have to tell your parents, but tell someone you can trust and love. And also, don't expect the father to stick around. And could you maybe stop being such a s**t/w***e/hussy? Gosh. Kids these days.

  6. Don't listen to all these stupid rude people saying your a horrible person because you made a mistake! Everyone makes mistakes and im sure most of the people on here saying stuff abot you lost their virginity at a young age and I know for a fact they have ALL made mistakes in there life they regret! So don't listen to them if they are being rude or stupid. Im not saying what you did was the best decision, but everyone makes mistakes, so it happened, and now you just have to go from here. My suggestion is you are going to have to tell your parents, in most cases parents react a lot different than you think they would in serious situations like this, I don't think it will be as bad as you think it will. Second, I would suggest giving it up for adoption, you probably don't want a baby right now and there are a lot of couples that ARE ready for a baby right now that can give it a loving home and cant have one. Try not to worry about school too much, in this day and age you will probably be looked at as cool! But if you are worried about it, why not homeschool for this year, and go back next year after you have the baby and noone at your school would even know! I wish you luck and remember dont listen to people who just want to put you down and make you feel bad, and its NOT the end of your life, although it may seem like it, its really not. Good Luck! :)

  7. uh without telling your parents, abortion is the best solution.

    and you really shouldnt say you cant bring yourself to do that if youre 13 and pregnant, youve obviously been able to live with youself doing worse things.

    tell mommy and daddy because parents have unconditional love for their children.

  8. Go see your GP, they'll give you all the advice you need.

    Try discussing it with a relative you can trust -maybe an older sister or auntie?

    Perhaps tell your mum before you tell your dad, (or if your dads more liberal tell him first.)

    It's always good to get one parent on side, so there'll be someone to stick up for you.

    Congratulations though on the news! You may feel like your worlds over, but in about 7 months you'll be over the moon.

    Try not to worry too much though, I'm sure your parents will cope a lot better than you expect.

    Just make sure you do what's right for the baby, don't feel pressured into anything.

    Otherwise, consider adoption?

    There's many couples out there desperate for a baby, who'll make wonderful parents.

  9. well go to your local s*x clinic and talk to them first they will give you some ideas on what to do,I'm not here to judge you cause i wasn't and angle in my life before but i always say if you think your mature enough to have s*x you should be mature enough to deal with the consequences that come with it if your not smart about it! you should have made a better decision than to have unprotected s*x! but its to late now and you will have to deal with it! it will be hard especially at 13! I'm 18 and i have a baby and it changes you whole life so be prepared for whats ahead and hopefully you will learn from this experience! good luck! oh and yeah you gotta tell your parents!!they will find out soner or later!

  10. Tell your parents. I know that it might be very hard, but do it. Did you know that young moms are the best moms? I just hope to God that you know who the father is. If you don't tell your parents, they will find out at sometime. I hope God is with you!!!

  11. There are already 65 answers ahead of me, I don't know if any of what I write is going to make a difference, but just some things to consider.

    • You need to involve your parents & the father's parents here now.

    • If you plan to bring to baby to term, you need prenatal care to protect your baby.

    • You also need to determine if there are any genetic issues that could be fatal to your child.  Many things are passed on through the genes like MS.

    • You are going to have overcome the hostilities that may people are going to show you.  The issue now is what's best for you & the baby.

    •  If you live in a large city, there are often alternative schools for expectant mothers.  You need to check that out as an option.  

    • If either sets of parents have no interest in raising your child, you might want to consider adoption as the best alternative.

    Good luck.

  12. Yes, girlie, you can tell your parents, and you will eventually have to, so better now then later.  Next time, keep your legs together longer than it takes you to bud into puberty. Guys tend to stay away from women with a rash between their legs.

  13. ummm. well too late buddy, if you're 13 and knocked will not only be thought of as a s**t, you are one.  if you don't want an abortion, then you have the kid...not any other options.  you can't exactly hide it either so your parents are going to find out. w***e.

  14. abortion is definetly not the answer,

    just spill the beans to your parents, they might get pissed off and shout and say stuff, but they'll calm down and help you.

    Not to stick up for you, but its society that makes the young s***s we see today. take for example baby modelling - h**l they seem like mini adults - kids are being made to grow up way faster than their age. I'm 27 and I honestly think more than twice to have kids, with all the ****** up society I see around me, I don't want my kids to be part of it.

    gluck with your pregnancy, and hope that after this you don't get more kids...

  15. there is nothing else yo can do.

    i really think you shuld tell someone.

    not friends tho they will open their mouths and

    then everyone will know.

    tell an adult or a sibling or

    your parents. you're only 13 you cannot

    do this on your own and eventully your parents will find out.

    if you want the baby to be healthy then you really have to see a doctor & tell you parents. It may be extremly hard but it is basicly the only thing you can do.

    good luck

  16. ok DONT get an abortion!!! and you have to tell your parents! the longer you wait the harder it will get so go get your boyfriend and tell them. theres nothing you can do about people thinking your a s**t you got pregnant at 13 and theres no turning back but you will get through it trust me i was pregnant at 13 to.

    if you need anything else or just someone to talk to email me.

  17. well thats stupid!

    why would u ever even think of doeing that without protection?

    or even AT UR AGE?!??!



    theres not much else u CAN do!!!

    u could get an abortion

    ( but u shouldnt because its ur own fault ur pregnant and u should take responsibilities!)

    u SHOULD tell ur parents!!!

    u could run away and live with someone else?

    idk the msartest thing to do is to tell ur parents, tell the father, and just be prepared for the consequences!!!

    sorry its blunt but true.

  18. if you don't want to abort then you have to tell your folks, sorry but they will find out sooner or later. Either by the bump or the rounds of morning sickness.

    Maybe sit your mum down somewhere public so she can't make a big scene and tell her gently, and if she gets angry, just stay calm, let her get it out of her system and sit back down and then ask her for her support. She can only stay angry for so long, after all it will change when she does become a grandmother and eventually her softer maternal instincts will kick in.... then she can work on your father, who in my experience is normally more irrational in these situations.

    All the best x

  19. You have no choice but to tell your parents.  You are a minor and they are responsible for you.  Yes, they will have a fit but they love you and want what it best for you.  If I had to advise you I would tell you to get an abortion after having some education about the procedure, the negative aspects on you and your baby from having a child so young, and the fact that you can have counseling if you have emotional issues about the procedure.  

    You chose to do an adult thing, have unprotected intercourse.  If you chose to carry this pregnancy to term, even if you give it up for adoption, you will always have the reputation of having been easy, at least until you are out of high school and move someplace where no one knows your past.  You will have a more difficult pregnancy and delivery because your pelvic bones are not through growing,  Your baby has higher risk of birth defects, allergies and other troubles.

    Now you have to do another adult thing, pass on being guilty, dumb yes, guilty no, and make a tough decision to do what is best for both you and your baby

  20. your parents are going to find out eventually. i would tell them sooner than later. There is really nothing that you can do. I would make sure that you are definatly pregnant before you freak out, though. Go to the doctor if you havent already. Sometimes those pregnancy tests are wrong. good luck!

  21. What else can you do but tell them? You decided to act as an adult when you had s*x without the use of birth control so be an adult now and tell them.

    If you are not wanting an abortion then aren't you worried about pre-natal care?

    I would be going to the doctor if i were you.

    There is nothing you can do but tell it so tell it.

  22. U live in UK right?

    Jeeez... ok your pregnant. Don't you think ur parents will find out? maybe find a time which is easy for them and talk to one of them.

    Or tell a doctor about this. abortion sounds like a choice to me.

    When I was 19 I gave my first kiss. and I'm doing alright.

    Please think about that for a while...

  23. you do realize your parents are eventually going to find out whether you tell them or not. If you didn't want to be labeled as a s**t than you should have thought of that before you had s*x at 13. You have a whole life ahead of you. Do you really think having a baby at 13 is going to be easy?

  24. there's this thing called an open adoption.

    its whenever you have the baby,but you cant keep it.

    you get to visit the baby whenever you want, the people

    who adopt the baby pay for the medical bills,everything.

    god bless you for not having an abortion. :)

  25. go see a doctor! i myself am 2 months preggo and in 9th grade just tell ur parents cause sooner or later they will notice ur body changing i go back to school on the 28th but am thinking weather to give up the babyy for adoption or keep it i told my parents and of course are dissapointed but are trying to help i have not told anyone! dont worry what the other girls think cause the truth is that they probably have s*x all the time but we are just the ones who got the short end of the stick! it was my first time and it happend! also look in to all ur options i cannot hane an abortion not because im relligious but because i dont think its right also i kno its cheesy but hey watch juno, for keeps, or the secret life of the american teenager episodes they kinda help me feel better! no worries girl we can fight though this life is not a curse its a blessing no matter if a accedent or if ur trying. much love! :)  

  26. You need to talk to your parents.

    I"m sorry but you do.

    Just pray they will be understanding.

    Give him/her up for adoption

    but don't have a n abortion

    do many couples are looking for a baby

    take a few months out of school for the last few months

    but you can go and get all your work

    tell your teachers you are going on vacation or something

    and they should give you the work

    or say it's personal problems.

    and wear baggier clothes.

    I'm sorry this has happened to you.

  27. I think you really need to speak to your parents and just let them know that you want them to understand. It will be hard but it's really all you can do. You might also want to talk to someone, a friend or relative, that clearly understands you and knows you are going to make the right choice. Watch the film Speak or read the book, this girl was raped when she was thirteen, and you should see how things turned out when she kept the secret.

  28. babes, it is rather stupid to have unprotected s*x at 13 but you have done it now and have suffered the consequences. YOU HAVE GOT TO TELL YOUR MUM. and although you say that you couldn't bring yourself to do it, the best option is really to have an abortion because at 13 you cannot provide and care for a baby as you are still very young yourself. But first of all, you have to tell your mum because she will help you, through whatever, because she loves you!

  29. tell your parents even though they will yell and you call you names  beat you or possibly not talk to you at all just tell them they need to know and all those people calling her a ho she is not a ho she had s*x with one guy not billions and she made a mistake everyone makes mistake so stop trying to make her feel worse than she already does as if thats not gonna help her now oh and dont worry about what your peers think who are they to call you w***e you better tell them to Fock off hope everything goes well  

    much love

    miss.14 @ war  

  30. well you are very young but you decided to make a very adult decision by having s*x...and being pregnant means that you will have to grow up very fast!

    so that is what you have to do! take responsibility for your actions! grow up and do what you think is unpleasent, tell your parents! they need to know. And even though they will be upset and disapointed with you they will help you get through everything!

    and school will be very hard! but again you have to live with the decision you made! so don't listen to what other people say (yes they will be mean but you have to be stronger and not let it get to you!)

    I say that abortion is never an option! I would however ask that if you are not ready to take the full responsibility (and at 13 you are not ready!) of rasing a child then look into adoption options! you can make someones dream of having their own child come true! and although it would be very hard it would also be the right thing for you and your child...look into open adoption, that is where you get to pick the family as well as you get constant updates and pictures as the child grows..

    I hope you take all this very seriously and do what I asked....take responsibility for the life you have growing inside you!

  31. 1. Ask yourself why did you not wait? You're 13/

    2. Tell your folks, they gonna have to find out regardless.

    3. This is sad that 13 year old girls having unprotected s*x thinking they can't get anything. Start preparing for motherhood.

    4. And be ready to be talked about at school, or enroll in one of those motherhood schools.


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