
I am 14, getting wizdom teeth pulled this year, help.?

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I just went to the dentist yesterday, they took an x-ray of my mouth, and you can see my wizdom teeth under the surface, but they werent going to grow in properly. You could see all 4 of mine, the top ones were going towards the cheeks, and the bottoms were crooked. My dentist suggested I get to my ortho. to get my retainer fixed, then I get a referal to an oral surgeon. Does having wizdom teeth pulled before they are grown in hurt more than when they have grown in? Im only 14, so im pretty scared about this.




  1. don't worry they numb you up pretty good.

    you'll get to eat tons of ice cream and your teeth will look great.

    the worst part for me was the taste of the gauze that they put in my mouth. that was pretty nasty.but other than that it's not too bad.

  2. Letting them grow in will hurt far more than getting them pulled, not to mention moving around all the rest of your teeth. Surgeons are always  sure to keep pain under control and will no doubt give you medication, but express your concerns to make sure it'll be a generally pain free procedure.

  3. Yup, they hurt more.

  4. Get it Done!

    Im 21 and my wisdom teeth are still coming in, every few months they come through a bit more and it kills for about 2-3 days!

    Wish i had the option of getting them pulled at 14!

    Its a bit of pain for a day or lots of pain for the next few years?

  5. You are going to be fine, the oral surgeon will put you under, you will wake up with all of them gone most likely.  Couple of days recovery, then on to bigger and better things.  Does not hurt any more than others if you have any experience with that, the only difference is that they typically take all four at once.

    I did mine two at a time, because I had to pay for them at 19 or so., better to go under than to only use a local.

    Take care, you will be alright.

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